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Shah Rukh Khan, Salman, Aamir share profits, are aware of recoveries: Ramesh Taurani on how Bollywood can solve star fee problem | Bollywood News


How can stars help the film industry thrive? By being mindful of the fees they charge. Veteran producer Ramesh Taurani of Tips Industries believes that a better business model for the Hindi film industry should be for all stars to agree to work in films on a profit-sharing basis, which will not overburden a project with their high fees.

Ramesh Taurani says that most of today's stars have started following the trend and hailed the three Khans, Shah RukhSalman and Aamir, for agreeing to participate in the project on a profit-sharing basis for their films.

In an interview with, Ramesh Taurani spoke about industry trends, why star fees are a bigger issue than entourage fees, many of whom, including Karan Johar, Shabana Azmi And Anurag Kashyap spoke against – why romantic films have disappeared from the silver screen and his production house’s line-up with Race 4 and Varun Dhawan directed the comedy along with his filmmaker father David Dhawan.

Edited excerpts:

You started the year with Merry Christmas and now there is Ishq Vishq Rebound. How do you see it?

It was a good start. Sure, what we expected from Merry Christmas at the box office may not have happened, but the film received huge critical acclaim and was highly regarded. Since it was made on a budget, we didn't face any financial problems. It gave us great creative satisfaction that those who saw the film loved it.

As the saying goes in our industry, it's not films that fail, it's budgets that fail. So if you're making a film with a certain cast, the budget has to be set accordingly. At the same time, you have to make your film look good. If you watch Ishq Vishq Rebound, it looks fresh and colourful, and it's a big screen experience. It won't look like a film that was just put together on a set here.

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Many creators are now expressing concerns about the entourage costs and fees of Rousing Stars. How do you see this?

Cinema is a business, at the end of the day. When I make a film and I sign with a star, I have to look at their fee, their entourage. I proceed by taking everything into account, and if I think it is too high, I discuss with them and I negotiate with them. Then, it is the negotiation and if I think that the amount agreed is feasible, that the project is viable, only then will I do it, otherwise I will not do it. Nobody makes a film without thinking about it.

So, the cost of the entourage is there, but the bigger problem is the star fees. Yes, they charge high fees, but a lot of stars today are aware of the recoveries and the business, and they come in the back-end, and they agree to share the profits. Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan do it. We did Race 3 with Salman, and it was all on a partnership basis. All the big stars do it today. So, if the cost of the entourage goes up, it will also be deducted from their share. It is a better business model.

When Ishq Vishq came out, it was the era of romances, which doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

Today, you don't see youth films anymore. Everyone is making action films, biopics, problem films and army films, but romances have diminished. There was something missing and so we were looking for a subject, and that's when we came up with the idea of ​​Ishq Vishq Rebound.

Big stars don't do romantic films anymore, they all want action. After Pathaan, Jawan, Tiger 3, Fighter, this trend has set in. That's why romantic films have suffered a setback. Romantic films have to have a new conflict, which is not always easy to resolve. So, finding the right script is a huge task, which could also be one of the reasons.

Is Tips developing Race 4?

Yes, we are. The film will start rolling early next year. The script is being worked on, so we haven't found the cast yet. There is also a film with Varun Dhawan and David Dhawan. It is expected to start in July, it will be a super entertaining film.




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