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Who is Hassan Taj? The Acolyte actor Bazil explained


Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Star Wars Episode 6: The Acolyte.


  • Bazil, played by Hassan Taj, is a lovable and remarkable character in The Acolyte.
  • Taj has a history with the Star Wars franchise, including roles in Solo: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
  • Bazil is Taj's most memorable Star Wars role, displaying courage and lovability.

The adorable Bazil has become a star of Star Wars: The Acolyteand it turns out that actor Hassan Taj already has a long history with the Star Wars frankness. Surrounded by the severity of The Acolytewho quickly became one of the Star Wars' One of the darkest schemes in the story is undoubtedly the hard-working Bazil. A master tracker, Bazil is a Tynnan recruited by the Jedi to help them locate Jedi Master Kelnacca on Khofar in the hopes that it will ultimately lead them to Mae (Amandla Stenberg).

Bazil then became a source of hope for Master Sol (Lee Jung-jae) to uncover the truth that Mae had switched places with Osha, which came to fruition at the end of The Acolyte episode 6. Taj gave an adorable life to Bazil that made it easy for the audience to adore him, despite his limited screen time so far. The AcolyteHowever, is far from being Taj's first Star Wars to try, because he already has quite a rich experience with the Star Wars galaxy – and some of its most beloved characters.


Star Wars: The Acolyte Cast and Character Guide

Here's everything we know about The Acolyte cast and the characters they'll play in the most mysterious Star Wars project yet.

Hassan Taj is not a newcomer to the Star Wars galaxy.

The actor has been part of Star Wars for over 6 years

Taj's first experience with Star Wars started in 2018 Solo: A Star Wars Storywhere the actor played the droid JV-P12. Although the droid has a short-lived appearance, he left a memorable impression thanks to his adorable side. He is part of L3-37's droid revolution on Kessel, happily stomping on some controls as they unleash chaos on anything and everything.

However, Taj also had the chance to bring a very memorable experience Star Wars character to life: R2-D2 himself. For 2019 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Taj was behind Artoo's performanceoperating the droid with Lee Towersey throughout the final installment of the Skywalker saga. This is no small feat; Artoo is easily one of the most recognizable and beloved characters in the entire saga. Star Wars Today, that same spirit of passion is reflected in Taj's performance as Bazil.

Bazil is hands down his most adorable addition yet.

The Tynnan has so much personality

Bazil sniffs a rag as Yord watches in The Acolye (2024)

Artoo is certainly hard to beat, but in the spirit of originality, Bazil is certainly Taj's most memorable. Star Wars role again. Although it cannot be understood, especially because his translator Yord Fandar (Charlie Barnett) unfortunately met a tragic end in The Acolyte episode 5, his actions speak for himHe demonstrates a strong sense of duty as he relentlessly hunts down Kelnacca and even displays a fierce fighting spirit when he discovers Mae on Sol's ship. Bazil is both courageous and lovable, certainly marking Taj's performance in The Acolyte as his most memorable for Star Wars Again.

The Acolyte Episode 6 is now available to stream. New episodes air Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on Disney+.




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