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Artist Jared Hankins Showcases American Art in Vail


Jared Hankins' artwork will be on display at Raitman Art Galleries in Vail Village from June 14 to July 14.
Jared Hankins/Courtesy photo

Baseball, roller coasters, carnival games and roller skating all conjure up images of summer in America. Colorado artist Jared Hankins takes this imagery even further, painting the subject in a style that transports the viewer back in time. The works will be on display at Raitman Art Galleries through July 14. The Fourth of July is a perfect time to visit, as the holiday typically evokes feelings of nostalgia and a longing for simpler times.

“I’m really excited about the way this show came together. It has a kind of American ski resort vibe,” said Hankins, who has countless memories of summers and winters spent in the mountains.

“Ski resorts are our version of small-town America with similar iconography, but geographically adapted to mountain living. I drew on nostalgic images and ideas of ski lifts and gondolas, vintage ski equipment, music, and the 10th Mountain Division—all areas I want to continue to explore,” Hankins said. “It felt a little random when I put the images together, but it works. This exhibition touches on many different themes that I’ve painted throughout my career, both in terms of subject matter and style.”

Raitman Art Galleries in Vail will host an artist reception for Jared Hankins on Saturday, July 5 from 5-9 p.m. at the gallery.
Jared Hankins/Courtesy photo

From his product sketches with the Sterling Rice Group in his mid-20s to his large murals at 5 Points in Denver to his scenic mountain landscapes, Hankins covers a wide range of artistic ground. Locally, his buffalo that flank the entrance to the Ritz Carlton Bachelor Gulch restaurant of the same name have won admirers near and far.

“The Ritz Carlton buffalo were a discovery for me. I had been painting realistic works for several years, but without a real personal style. By accident, I came across this streaked effect that became my process,” Hankins said.

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But Hankins says every project presents itself a little differently, and as a creative, he adapts to meet the criteria.

“I learn something from every piece I create and store what works and what doesn’t to apply to the next concept. As a result, my style has evolved into a signature look or style in the way I paint,” Hankins said. “I’m able to push the energy of the imagery toward a raw, vintage vibe or tighten it up depending on what direction it wants to take. From black-and-white work that draws on old photography of the American West to objects that are infused with nostalgia, all of my work falls into some version of Americana.”

“Centennial State,” by Jared Hankins, oil, 46″ x 72″, Raitman Art Galleries.
Image courtesy

Hankins' work evolved, but at one point he wasn't even sure he could paint again. At age 31, the father of four suffered a stroke.

“I was paralyzed on my right side and had very little chance of ever being able to use my arm again. I’m right-handed, so I underwent intensive physical therapy to regain my basic motor functions. Ultimately, the fine motor skills I had developed through painting were instrumental in rewiring my neural pathways, which allowed me to get back into shape,” Hankins said.

Come see Hankins’ Americana work at the Raitman Art Galleries on Gore Creek Drive in Vail. The Raitman Art Galleries will host a reception on Saturday, July 5, from 5 to 9 p.m., with snacks and refreshments sponsored by Oskar Blues Brewing.

“This exhibition explores many different themes that I have painted throughout my career, both in subject matter and style. I can’t thank both Raitman Art Galleries enough for hosting this concept, as well as Oskar Blues Brewery for sponsoring it. Come grab a beer on July 5th for happy hour.”




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