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Fathers and Sons actor Andrés Fierro's son says his father abandoned him: I think he blocked me


The son of Andrés Fierro, actor of
'Padres e Hijos' actor Andrés Fierro's son says his father abandoned him – credit courtesy of Naty Ortiz

Martín Fierro, son of the actor couple Natali Ortiz and Andrés Fierro, has broken his silence and spoken about the zero relationship he has with his father, from whom he claims to have received rejections. “What did I do to make him refuse?” asked the 18-year-old model and chef.

Although he assures that he does not feel empty because of his father's absence, he wants to understand the reason for his abandonment. I grew up without a father figure, I had to learn a lot of things on my own, and yet I don't feel like I need one.

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Bogota actor Andrés Fierro recognized his son, which is why Martín bears his last name, he even introduced him to the national press where he posed with him when he was a baby, in addition to attending several social events with his partner at the time. , the model as well adjust Nathalie Ortiz.

The son of actor Andrés Fierro, from
The son of actor Andrés Fierro, from 'Padres e Hijos', spoke about the rejection he faces from his father – credit courtesy of Natali Ortiz

In conversation with journalist Edison Lozano for the morning show Hello ColombiaMartín spoke for the first time in front of a camera about the difficult moments he was exposed to because his father, the actor Andrés Fierro, did not want to answer for him, because despite the requests filed by the young man's mother, I never received the amount of alimony indicated by law.

According to the information presented by the same report, Andrés did not want to make statements on the program, alleging that due to the recommendations of his lawyer, he should refrain from testifying publicly on the subject in question.

Many things my father should have taught me, I learned on my own.began by telling the story of the model who alternates her cooking studies with advertising campaigns for different brands and television spots, a medium she came to thanks to her mother's career.

Andrs Fierro's son spoke about the actor's rejection and abandonment: I felt angry – credit @buendiacolombia/Instagram

Martín found everything he needed at his mother's house, Even though he is sincere and says he must have learned some things by watching videos on YouTube, since his mother could not teach him, among them, how to shave. My father is not here, but he is not a void either, my mother never stopped giving me love and never stopped supporting me.

According to what Martín, son of the actor Andrés Fierro, who became famous thanks to his character Esteban in the popular series, shared Parents and sonsHe is currently in a relationship with actress Zulma Rey. He spoke about how he grew up knowing that his father disowned him and that at important moments in his life, he did not count on him.

In 2014, I was in third grade and my father spoke to my mother to rebuild the relationship and we came to live in Bogota so that my father could be present and he stayed there for the first three months and then he disappeared, recalls the young cook.

Martín Fierro is the result of the relationship between Andrés Fierro and Natali Ortiz - credit courtesy of Natali Ortiz
Martín Fierro is the result of the relationship between Andrés Fierro and Natali Ortiz – credit courtesy of Natali Ortiz

Despite the above, the Bogota model keeps the memory of a last contact. In 2017, a great-grandmother of my family died and I knew her so we saw each other. The professional chef says that at one point his father needed it, but over time he no longer needed it.. Furthermore, he drew his own conclusions about the causes of his absence.

Martín's impression of his father is that he distanced himself from him and his mother due to the demands of his later romantic partners, since he assumes that they would have asked him to distance himself.

He left because he started with a partner and she took him away from me (I guess). It was always a behavior he had. He took himself away from my childhood while a couple also took him away from me, he added.

The actress and her partner have been in love for almost nine years - credit courtesy of Zulma Rey
The actress and her partner have been in love for almost nine years – credit courtesy of Zulma Rey

Andrés Fierro's son revealed that at one point he felt anger, Despite this, he has a pleasant memory of when they went to a shopping mall and his father bought him his favorite toy. What did I do for this man to treat me like this and reject and disown me as well.

Father and son do not follow each other on social networks, Even the young man believes his father blocked him. Martín did not seek it and says he will not do it either because he considers that his father should do it and he is open to listening to him.




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