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'Sing Sing' Actor Colman Domingo Talks Program That Will Change Lives of Maximum Security Prisoners


Oscar-nominated actor Colman Domingo turned a personal belief into a life mission, he recently shared, and it's become a kind of North Star for him.

“Politics doesn’t work. Religion is too eclectic. But art, art might just be the parachute that saves us all,” Domingo said June 26 at the Brooklyn premiere of “Sing Sing,” his upcoming film.

Domingo echoed the words of Rhodessa Jones, who works with incarcerated women in the San Francisco Bay Area, helping them workshops to transform personal stories into plays, which they can then perform.

It's also the story of Sing Sing, which will be released in theaters on July 12.

Domingo plays Divine G, a man incarcerated at Sing Sing Correctional Facility, a maximum-security prison located on the east bank of the Hudson River. about 30 miles north of New York.

The film tells the story of a group of inmates who participate in an arts program that uses theater as a form of therapy to help them regain control of their lives.

The story is based on real life Rehabilitation through the Arts (RTA) Programoperating in Sing Sing since 1996.

RTA uses theater, dance and music, among other arts-related workshops, to help reduce recidivism, or the tendency to relapse into criminal behavior after being released from prison.

According to the program, In nearly three decades, he has managed to break the cycle of incarceration: less than 3% of former RTA students return to prison.

This rate is significantly lower than the national recidivism rate, which the RTA says is more than 60% of people returning to prison within three years of their release.

“It's a program that was put in place to help people get more in touch with their feelings and really get rehabilitated,” Colman's character says in the film, during a clemency hearing for his 25-year-to-life sentence.

Colman Domingo in a scene from the film
Colman Domingo, who plays Divine G, left, and Clarence Maclin, who was incarcerated at the maximum security prison for 15 years.A24

Director Greg Kwedar said at the Brooklyn premiere that he worked on Sing Sing for eight years. He said it was a film that was fundamentally about people and the wholeness of being human.

One such person is Clarence Maclin, who was incarcerated in the maximum security prison for 15 years.

Maclin co-stars with other formerly incarcerated actors, as well as Domingo and Paul Raci, who was nominated in 2021 for his supporting role in Sound of Metal, a drama about a drummer who loses his hearing.

One of the recurring themes of Sing Sing is self-determination. Both Domingo and Maclins' characters will have to face the consequences of their actions: are each of their decisions predetermined by their prison sentence? Or do they have the power to make positive changes in their lives?

Viewers will remember Domingo as a 2024 Oscar nominee for his lead role in the biopic Ruskin, which tells the story of openly gay civil rights activist Bayard Ruskin. He organized the 1963 march on Washington, D.C., where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his speech. Iconic I Have a Dream Speech.

Domingo grew up in Philadelphia and went to high school with Oscar-winning actor Will Smith. He said in an interview with actress Tessa Thompson that his father is from Belize and his family is from Guatemala. At the premiere, he told viewers that the film is a very New York story, based on the community that has become his home.

“I lived in New York for 16 years and a lot of my classmates, my brothers and sisters are from New York. And a lot of them are from this neighborhood,” he said. “So it’s even more important that we have this premiere here, where their families live. It’s for them.”

Such is the case of Sean Dino Johnson. Born and raised in Queens, he is now a RTA Board Member and Sing Sing Program AlumnusHe spent 15 years in prison on a drug charge, and viewers will see him as a co-star in the film.

“The RTA has been Sing Sings’ best-kept secret for years,” he said at the premiere. “When you come out, I want you to remember the resilience of the human spirit, the power of humanity.”

Johnson's character describes the prison theater program as a space where inmates can enjoy things that are not part of their reality and become human again.




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