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Hollywood prankster Seth MacFarlane's love story: From Amanda Bynes to this Game of Thrones star


Known for his work in comedy, writer and actor Seth MacFarlane has also had a notable career in Hollywood romances. The Griffins The 50-year-old designer has never been married, but he has reportedly had relationships with more than 20 women in the industry, some real relationships and others just supposed flings.

Let's take a look at what exactly the funny guy has been up to during his 30-year career in Hollywood.

The Late Late Show with James Corden will air on Wednesday, April 17, 2019, with guests Linda Cardellini and Seth MacFarlane.© Getty Images
The actor and writer has kept his love life a secret
Producer Seth MacFarlane and actress Emilia Clarke attend HBO's Official Emmy Awards Party at The Plaza at the Pacific Design Center on September 23, 2012 in Los Angeles, California.© Getty Images

Emilia Clarke

Seth and Game Of Thrones starEmilia Clarke They reportedly dated from 2012 to 2013. Three years after their alleged breakup, Emilia finally opened up about their relationship and the downsides of dating someone in the public eye.

In a 2016 interview with CharmThe Khaleesi actress admitted, “Well, the problem is, strangers give you dating advice, like, 'I'm a huge fan of the show, and I don't really know what you're doing with this guy,' which I didn't respond to well,” she explained. “It happened in New York when Seth and I were dating. This guy started giving me advice: 'Can I take a selfie? And by the way, 'Unh-unh, man.'”

SEE:Emilia Clarke accompanied by her rarely seen mother Jennifer as she meets Game of Thrones fan Prince William

Emilia later confirmed her single status at the time of the interview.

Actress Amanda Bynes arrives at the Los Angeles premiere © Getty Images

Amanda Bynes

Actress Tamera Mowry-Housley attends FOX, 20th Century FOX Television, FX Networks and National Geographic Channel's 2014 Emmy Nominee Celebration at Vibiana on August 25, 2014 in Los Angeles, California.© Getty Images

Tamara Mowry-Housley

Seth and Tamara Mowry-Housley were said to have had a relationship, but neither confirmed when it happened. Interview 2014The late Larry King asked the Shakes Actress: “Did you date my friend Seth MacFarlane? Is that true?”

Tamara was taken aback, but she laughed and confirmed, “For a day, yes, I did.” She and her twin sister, Tia, who was also interviewed, shared their surprise at the question. Tamara added, “It was for a day, but we were really, really good friends.”

Anne Winters attends the Los Angeles premiere of Netflix's new film © Getty Images

Anne Winters

Seth's most recent romantic encounter involved his The Orville co-star Anne Winters. The two had only been working together for a short time before they were spotted “getting cozy” in December 2021 on Winters’ Instagram Story.

Nothing has been released since then, and neither star has officially confirmed their relationship.

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Anne isn't the first co-star Seth has reportedly gotten close with, as rumors have swirled that he was dating his Season 1 co-star Halston Sage, a woman 20 years his junior.

Seth has reportedly been linked to other women in the industry, including Kate Todd, Trisha Cummings, Christa Campbell, Jessica Barth and Kaylee DeFer, according to Who dated who. However, the comedian's love life remains largely private.




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