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I thought I shouldn't speak but: Actor-politician Vijay wades into NEET debate, points out three problems with the test | Chennai News


Tamil superstar and Tamizhaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) leader Vijay has voiced his strong opposition to the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). In his speech at a function in honour of the recent Class 10 and 12 board exam toppers on Wednesday, the actor defended the rights of students and autonomy of state governments in education.

At the event held at an auditorium in Chennai city, Vijay highlighted three problems with NEET its infringement of state rights, its negative impact on students from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds and the loss of confidence in the credibility of the examination due to recent irregularities.

“I thought I shouldn’t talk about anything today,” Vijay began in front of an enthusiastic crowd of students, “but then I thought I shouldn’t shy away from a crucial issue.” “NEET is a subject that needs immediate attention. Students from the poorest, most deprived and most underprivileged communities are affected by NEET. It’s a fact,” Vijay said.

Stating that the implementation of NEET is fundamentally against the rights of state autonomy, Vijay argued that the concept of 'one country, one curriculum, one selection' goes against the very basic idea of ​​education.

“Education should be unique to each state. It should be diverse and have the ability to consider different perspectives. Diversity is a strength, not a weakness, we need to understand that,” he said.

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“After studying the state syllabus, and if you are given an exam under the NCERT syllabus, it is detrimental to the scope of future education of poor students,” he said.

Citing reports of irregularities in the NEET exam, Vijay said the public had lost faith in its credibility. “From the reports that have come out, we have already realised that NEET is not mandatory at all anymore,” he said.

He welcomed the recent resolution of the state assembly to ban NEET at the national level and proposed bringing education from the concurrent list to the state list or, as an interim measure, creating a special concurrent list through a constitutional amendment. He argued that states should regain absolute control over education, while the Union government could retain NEET for its own institutions like AIIMS.

He reminded the students that “learning is fun, education is a celebration. Study with pleasure, do not let yourself be stressed. Opportunities are many. Do not get upset even if you miss some. There is a beautiful world promised by God. Victory is certain,” he said.

His advocacy for state autonomy in education comes in line with his party's larger agenda as TVK gears up for the 2026 assembly elections. In the process of transition from a celebrity actor to a political leader, Vijay's speech also comes on the same day the DMK's student wing staged state-wide protests against NEET.




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