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Oscar-nominated actor with the least screen time


Since 1929, the Academy Awards have presented golden statuettes to directors, actors and other creative people in the film industry for their outstanding contributions to cinema. In 1953, the awards ceremony became a televised event, drawing moviegoers eager to see which films would be crowned the best of the best.

Today, it is one of the most anticipated days of the year for the film industry, with millions of viewers tuning in to watch the event. The ceremony is usually rife with controversy, with wild scenes, arguments, slaps, and poorly rewarded nominations, making the Oscars a must-attend event. It is the most prestigious awards ceremony, with virtually everyone in Hollywood donning their finest suits for the event to gather and celebrate the cinematic achievements of the past years.

Many accidental records have been set over the years, such as Kathryn Bigelow becoming the first woman to win Best Director (81 years after the ceremony first took place) or Jane and Henry Fonda making history as the first and only father-daughter duo to be nominated in the same year (more surprisingly, for the same film, On the golden pond). Then there are the records of the youngest and oldest winners, such as Tatum O'Neal who won an Oscar at the age of ten after starring in Paper Moon and James Ivory who won one at 89 for his Call me by your name scenario.

However, one of the most fascinating categories of Oscar records is the length of the performance. Several actors have won awards despite having an incredibly short on-screen appearance. Beatrice Straight won the title of the shortest performance for which she was awarded an Oscar after starring in Network for just five minutes and two seconds.

Her performance in the 1976 film was so good that she caught the attention of critics despite the fact that she only appeared in one scene. However, the sequence was so explosive and vital to the plot that no one could forget it, earning Straight his first and only Oscar.

As for the shortest performance ever nominated, Hermione Baddeley won the title in 1959 with Room at the topa feat that has yet to be surpassed. The actress appeared in Jack Clayton's film as Elspeth, earning a nomination for Best Supporting Actress, even though she only appeared in the film for two minutes and 20 seconds. She wasn't the only cast member nominated; Simone Signoret and Laurence Harvey were also recognized by the Academy, with the former winning the Oscar for Best Actress.

Baddeley's performance could have been easily overlooked because she only appears for a short time, especially considering the film is 115 minutes long in total, and yet her acting was just too brilliant. Out of the three scenes she appears in, she only speaks in two, but it's the one where she has a conversation with Harvey's character Joe that allowed her to give an Oscar-worthy performance.

Ultimately, Baddeley lost to Shelley Winters for her performance in The Diary of Anne Frankbut the actress still managed to emerge as a world record holder, making her a winner in her own right.

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