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MaXXXine's Bloody Hollywood Set Is a Surreal Dream Come True


When X, the first installment in Ti West's epic horror trilogy, came out, there was no way to know how far into this strange and terrifying world we'd be drawn. Now, with MaXXXine, the third installment set to hit shelves Friday, star Mia Goth wraps up her starring roles in movies as she navigates a blood-soaked Hollywood.

In the film, Maxine Minx (Goth), who we first met in X, has finally made it to Hollywood to become a star. Unfortunately for her, this is a horror film, so it's only natural that a serial killer (the Night Stalker) is on the loose and dead bodies are falling to the ground.

MaXXXine is in theaters Friday.
MaXXXine is in theaters Friday.

The setting offers some truly picturesque and unique moments as the terror unfolds not only in 1985 Los Angeles, but also behind the scenes at Universal Studios. After all, why would Maxine go to Hollywood if not to end up on a movie set?

“I mean, that was a big part of the idea to have the third movie take place in Hollywood and have it be presented on a movie backlot,” West told GameSpot, while sitting with the film's cast himself on the Universal backlot in front of the iconic Psycho house. “You know, there's something very strange about it.” [a studio backlot]if you've never seen it before. You're like, “Oh, wow, that looks so real.” And then the closer you get, the more you start to realize it's not so real. The way people photograph it is very important. And that's something that people come here as tourists to experience.

Sharing this experience is an idea West has had in mind for a long time.

“As a movie fan and having seen those movies, I thought, ‘Oh, it’s very rare to see a set be a set,’” he explained. “And then to stage action sequences in that set and leave it as it is, that’s something I’ve always had in my head. And so the idea of ​​running down a Western street, ducking through a door, running down a hallway and coming out in New York, that’s something I’ve always had. And then this movie strangely presented itself as a way to realize that. So it’s very surreal to be here and do it.”

MaXXXine isn't the only film to have used the Universal Studios backlot as a set, rather than an off-site filming location. You'll also recognize the western area of ​​the lot, officially known as Six Points Texas, from Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood , where Rick Dalton, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, filmed his TV appearances. A number of films have filmed the backlot as such over the years, including Pee-wee's Big Adventure and Big Fat Liar .

MaXXXine is released in theaters on Friday, July 5.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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