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Adam Trent Brings 'The Next Generation of Magic' to Beaver Creek


Come see illusionist Adam Trent, or several Adam Trents at the Vilar Performing Arts Center on Saturday.
Matt Christine/Courtesy Photography

When Adam Trent began his career as a magician, he made sure to extend his entertainment beyond mesmerizing tricks. It's no wonder he's sold out the last two times he's performed at the Vilar Performing Arts Center.

Having appeared in the world premiere of “The Illusionists” at the Sydney Opera House and then taken the show to Broadway for its first three performances, he infuses his shows with a touch of Broadway style.

“It’s a magic show for people who don’t like magic because there are so many moments where there’s jokes, music, laughter, tears, there’s a whole spectrum of emotions,” he said. “I have a fresh approach to magic with comedy, music and audience participation, and I do things that have never been seen before.”

For example, each spectator is given a playing card or a small prop before the show and, from the stage, he makes their cards disappear or change or he makes the audience think the same thing, whether they are at the back or the front of the theater.

And that's what makes his tour “The Next Generation of Magic.” Like many genres, magic has had periods of popularity and periods of decline. Right now, it's trendy, thanks to television and the Internet that have people wanting to see more of it, he said, adding that magic is better today than he can remember in the last 10 years.

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“It was about time magic changed. For a long time, it was the stereotype of guys in top hats and tuxedos pulling rabbits out of rabbits. Like other art forms, it was time to freshen up. People want to see new things,” he said. “I try to make magic entertaining before I make it tricky. I really trust my audience, because the majority of my show uses volunteers from the audience on stage. I think the audience will agree that it’s really a variety show that uses magic as the driving force.”

He spent years perfecting his craft. At age 9, his aunt gave him a book of magic, and then his parents took him to see a live show, which was the first show where the whole family, from his grandmother to his parents and siblings, were truly entertained and it had a profound effect on him. He landed his first corporate job at age 14, and by age 21, he had been performing his magic for six years on cruise ships in 30 countries.

“I consider this to be the beginning of the creation of a real theatrical spectacle that is aimed at everyone, young and old (from different countries),” he said.

Growing up in Boulder and dancing in the streets also taught him how to attract and hold the attention of a wandering audience. He also took the advice of one of his favorite magicians in Vegas, who told him to do as many shows as possible in the worst venues and situations. Even though it was the last answer he wanted to hear, he said it was the best advice.

“You learn a lot by continually performing, and you end up experiencing almost every terrible situation that can happen. Years of practice give you what I call bulletproofness,” he said.

When he moved to Los Angeles for college at age 18, he spent nearly seven nights a week attending shows of all genres, from theater to dance to music to comedy. It was there that he learned that connecting with your audience makes the difference between a good, bad, or mediocre experience.

“Every time I’m at a concert or a non-magic show, I see an interesting or entertaining concept, but not necessarily magical, and I wonder what it would look like if it were actually a magic act. Then I play around with the concepts and see what I can come up with,” he said. “Sometimes new routines come together quickly, and sometimes they take years and years of development.”

In addition to his shows, he also created “The Road Trick,” which airs on Netflix. He traveled to 12 countries to film 10 episodes using magic to access cultures that ordinary tourists wouldn’t easily find.

His greatest stage illusion involves giant screens on which he clones himself, rides a skateboard and teleports. His shows appeal to adults and children alike: he has said that at every show, you can see a five-year-old and a 95-year-old sitting next to each other, laughing equally hard.

“No other art form captures the sense of wonder like magic,” he said. “Magic is best experienced live. The biggest problem with magic on television is that it’s too hard to convince the viewer at home that there’s nothing planned, nothing happening outside the frame of the shot, and no editing or CGI altering what you would see if you were there.”

And when you watch a playing card change in the palm of your hand or a family member or friend take the stage for a trick, it's hard not to be left speechless in amazement.




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