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Concert Preview: Five Exciting Shows That Will Heat Up Summer in Los Angeles


Summer heats up with a fiery lineup of talented artists playing concerts across Los Angeles.

From hip-hop hitmakers of yesteryear to former boy band members, to sets from emerging Gen Z artists and acclaimed indie favourites also on the calendar, venues of all sizes across the city will be hosting must-see acts this season.

Read on to find out what live performances the Daily Bruin is hosting to purchase tickets to.

R&B and hip-hop artists Ciara (left), Missy Elliott (center) and Busta Rhymes (right) stand together in futuristic black leather and mesh outfits in a promotional poster for the
R&B and hip-hop artists Ciara (left), Missy Elliott (center) and Busta Rhymes (right) stand together in futuristic black leather and mesh outfits in a promotional poster for the “OUT OF THIS WORLD – THE EXPERIENCE” tour. The trio will kick off the tour with special guest Timbaland and perform twice at Arena on July 11 and 12. (Courtesy of Missy Elliott, Atlantic Records, Monami Entertainment and Live Nation Entertainment)


It's time for fans of 90s and 2000s R&B and hip-hop to be catapulted into space.

Missy Elliott’s OUT OF THIS WORLD – THE EXPERIENCE tour will hit Arena in Los Angeles for two shows on July 11 and 12, with tickets starting at $78. The tour kicks off on July 4 in Vancouver, Canada, and will be the first headlining tour for Elliott, who became the first female hip-hop artist to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame last year. A memorable setlist could be on the horizon as the tour will feature the talents of Elliott’s past collaborators Busta Rhymes, Ciara and Timbaland.

Between 1997 and 2007, Elliott recorded five top-10 albums on the Billboard 200 and ten top-10 singles on the Billboard Hot 100, including the Grammy Award-winning hits Get Ur Freak On, Work It and Lose Control. It’s safe to assume that these slickly produced hits and other tracks from Elliott’s core catalog, as well as tracks from his tour mates, will serve as a nostalgic introduction to the uptempo soundscapes of the early 2000s.

With so much talent on one stage, next week's shows are sure to be out of this world.

Reid Sperisen

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Wearing a light blue shirt, Niall Horan rests his chin on his left wrist and looks up next to a window ledge on the cover of his third studio album
Dressed in a light blue shirt, Niall Horan rests his chin on his left wrist and gazes upwards next to a window ledge on the cover of his third studio album, “The Show,” released last year. The Irish singer-songwriter will perform tracks from the album and his time with One Direction on July 27 and 28 during two shows at the Kia Forum as part of his “THE SHOW” LIVE ON TOUR 2024.” (Courtesy of Capitol Records, Neon Haze Music Ltd. and Niall Horan, under exclusive license to UMG Recordings, Inc.)

The Show Live 2024 Tour (Niall Horan)

Niall Horan is making Los Angeles his center stage this summer.

The Irish singer will perform at Kia Forum on July 27-28 before closing out the North American leg of his THE SHOW LIVE ON TOUR 2024 in Austin, Texas. The former boy band sensation is sure to get the crowd dancing with a jam-packed setlist spanning his entire discography, as well as fan favorites from his time with One Direction. Tickets start at around $73 on Ticketmaster to see Horan cement his prowess as an electric performer for new and avid Directioners.

After being forced to cancel his second tour of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Horan turned to social media as a way to connect with his fans. discuss For the upcoming Good Morning America tour, Horan said he’s been planning this tour since he was 10 years old, dreaming of the intimate moments in which the audience would harmonize his lyrics with him. “THE SHOW” LIVE ON TOUR 2024” feels like a fusion of Horan’s journey as a solo performer, from highlighting his lyrical vulnerability in intimate acoustic sets to embracing his rock influences through powerful live vocals.

Promising excitement and nostalgia, the decision to see Niall Horan this summer is Black and White.

Directed by Jayasekara

The illustrated cover of Young Miko's album
The cover art for Young Miko’s album “att.” features a young woman lying in bed and looking at her phone. The Puerto Rican reggaeton artist will perform two concerts at the Peacock Theater on August 15 and 16 as part of her “XOXO TOUR.” (Courtesy of The Wave Music Group)

XOXO Tour (Young Miko)

The rookie of the year will head to North America this summer.

After performing at Coachella in April, Young Miko returns to California for the XOXO TOUR. The Puerto Rican artist’s U.S. tour will include two Los Angeles shows at the Peacock Theater on August 15 and 16. The tour follows the April release of Young Miko’s 16-track sophomore effort, att., which featured artists such as Feid and Jowell & Randy. Tickets are still available for both Los Angeles shows, starting at around $62.

att. explores a new sound for the reggaeton artist by incorporating video game nostalgia into her tracks and finding new ways to represent herself in her music. Fans can expect to hear songs from the new album, as well as her most popular tracks, like her appearance on Bad Bunny's FINA and her collaboration with Bizarrap. While June may already be over by the time the concert is set, fans can expect a proud atmosphere at the show from this proudly queer artist.

With a captivating stage presence, Young Miko will be sure to keep her fans offline and fully present during her XOXO Tour shows.

Maya Parra

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Indie musician St. Vincent bends at the waist and faces the ground as the sleeves of her white shirt are ablaze on the cover of her seventh studio album,
Indie musician St. Vincent leans toward the floor as the sleeves of her white shirt burn on the cover of her seventh studio album, “All Born Screaming,” out April 26. The three-time Grammy winner will bring her acclaimed guitar skills and eccentric sonic blend of electronic, jazz and rock to the Greek Theatre on August 16. (Courtesy of St. Vincent, Nasty Little Man and Total Pleasure Records)

All Born Screaming Tour (Saint-Vincent)

Fans are about to make some noise at St. Vincent's next show.

The All Born Screaming Tour will hit the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles on August 16th to support her self-released seventh studio album All Born Screaming, which was released in April. The singer-songwriter was named one of the greatest guitarists of all time by Rolling Stone last year and will be sure to bring her charismatic stage presence and groundbreaking instrumentation to life in a rock star-like manner throughout her set.

St. Vincent, born Annie Clark, released her debut album Marry Me in 2007 and has since revolutionized the independent music scene with her adventurous sonic fusion of electronic, jazz and rock elements. She is the only female solo artist to win the Grammy Award for Best Alternative Album twice, with her 2014 self-titled LP and 2021’s Daddys Home taking home the trophy. No matter what songs she performs, St. Vincent’s songwriting is also likely to be on full display, with her Grammy-winning track Masseduction and a co-writing role on Taylor Swift’s No. 1 hit, Cruel Summer, to her credit.

If the eccentric quality of St. Vincent's past work is any indication, audiences are sure to leave his performance wanting more.

Reid Sperisen

The three members of Wallows — Braeden Lemasters, Cole Preston and Dylan Minnette — stand together next to an empty door beneath a list of tour dates for their
The three members of Wallows — Braeden Lemasters, Cole Preston and Dylan Minnette — stand together next to an empty door beneath a list of tour dates for their “Model Tour.” The Los Angeles-based alt-rock band will close out the North American leg of the tour on September 12 at the Kia Forum in Inglewood alongside special guest BENEE. (Courtesy of Wallows, Atlantic Records and Live Nation Entertainment)

Visit the model (Wallows)

The Kia Forum welcomes Wallows anytime, always.

Wallows are back on the road for their Model Tour and are set to play the Kia Forum on September 12 with BENEE as the opening act. The Inglewood date will mark the conclusion of the North American leg of the tour, which kicks off August 6 in Portland, Oregon. The alternative rock band's tour is set to feature songs from their latest album, Model , and tickets start at under $79 on Ticketmaster.

The first dates of the tour were announced on March 11th along with a 12 minute short film in the style of an 80s horror movie, as well as an Instagram post in which the band describes the tour as their biggest and best show yet. Model is Wallows' third studio album and features authentic, spontaneous songs about the good and bad of love, with the band's signature upbeat synth sound. Since the new LP's release in May, the Los Angeles-based band has played several shows featuring old and new music, hinting at what to expect from the tour.

With the Model Tour, Wallows promises shows that will captivate new and long-time listeners alike.

Ana Camila Burquez




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