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Zenless Zone Zero Voice Actors Who are the stars of the new HoYoverse game and where have you probably heard them before?


Do you already have a favorite character in Zenless Zone Zero? Maybe their voice sounds familiar but you can't quite place it. There are plenty of voice actors in the video game industry who have worked on hundreds of games. It's just a job, remember, even if it's cool to bring all these characters to life this way.

If you're playing the game in English, and most of you probably are if you're reading this, then Courtney Lin, who plays Lucy in ZZZ, is an actor you may have heard of elsewhere.
With roles in Smite, Pokemon Masters, and 2014's Return to Monkey Island (Dee) as well as playing Sakoora in Honkai Star Rail, alongside a slew of animated television shows, Courtney is one of the few to lend her talents to Zenless Zone Zero.

Suzy Yeung's voice, who plays Piper Wheel, may also be familiar from Honkai Star Rail, where she also voiced Hanya. She has also appeared in Octopath Traveller 2 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and even Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth.

Our favorite voiceover trivia is that we bet you didn't know that Giselle Fernandez, who plays Ellen Joe in ZZZ, was also Princess Daisy in last year's hit Switch game Super Mario Wonder. Listen closely and you might recognize her.

ZZZ English Dubbing Actors

Here is the selection of English dubbing actors for Zenless Zone Zero:

Character Doubler
Beautiful Courtney Steele
Zhu Yuan Alana Wis
Ellen Joe Gisele Fernandez
Piper's Wheel Suzie Yeung
Lucy Courtney Lin

ZZZ Japanese Voice Actors

Here are the Japanese voice actors for Zenless Zone Zero:

Character Doubler
Beautiful Sakaya Senbongi
Wise Atsushū Abe
Zhu Yuan Marina Inoue
Hashimi Miyabi Friend Koshimizu
Soukaku Machico
Grace Howard Haruka Shiraishi
Ben Bigger Kenji Hamada
Anton Ivanov Shinichiro Kamio
Koleda Belobog Yuki Iguchi
Ellen Joe Shion Wakayama
Alexandrine Satomi Arai
From Lycaon Chikahiro Kobayashi
Corin Wickes Hiromi Igarashi
Nekomiya Mana Sayuri Hara
Billy Kid Yu Hayashi
Nicole Demara Yu Serizawa
Anby Demara Atsumi Tanezaki
Soldier 11 Yukiyo Fujii
Piper's Wheel Our shit
Lucy Ayaka Asai

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