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X-Men actor excited to wear proper costume in Deadpool and Wolverine



  • Aaron Stanford is thrilled that his character, Pyro, will be able to don a costume for his appearance in
    Deadpool and Wolverine.
  • Stanford originally portrayed the fiery Mutant in
    X2: X-Men United
    (2003) and
    X-Men: The Last Stand
  • Pyro's presence naturally raises the question: will Iceman, aka Bobby Drake (Shawn Ashmore), also return for
    Deadpool 3?

“My God, I love this part!” Aaron Stanford old book X-Men Pyro's line of dialogue with so much fun in the official teaser of Deadpool and Wolverine. When the footage first dropped on February 11, fans got their first look at one of the many variations that will appear in Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman's highly anticipated team-up this summer. And Stanford, who originally played the young Pyro in X2: X-Men United And X-Men: The Last Stand, is grateful to finally be able to wear the proper attire. Stanford said in an interview (via Weekly Entertainment):

“I was just really happy to have a costume.
In the original X-Men films, Pyro is really shortchanged in terms of costume.
In X2, we start with Pyro at Xavier's school for gifted mutants.
The SWAT team comes in…in the middle of the night, and we have to run. So for half the movie,
I am wearing my pyjamas.

Stanford continued:

“I never had the cool leather tactical suit that all the X-Men wear.
And in X3, I was just
dressed in a Hot Topic ensemble,
So having him in an actual superhero costume that was actually from the comics themselves was very cool.

Will Iceman show up and chill with Pyro in Deadpool and Wolverine?

Pyro is just one of many mutant variants expected to appear in the multiverse of Deadpool and WolverineHugh Jackman himself plays an alternate version of Wolverine, and the actor last appeared on the big screen as Wolverine in 2017. LoganAnd when the aforementioned official teaser dropped in February, Pyro actor Aaron Stanford took to the internet to celebrate and confirm his return via social media:

Well, well, well. If it ain't our old Droogie Pyro… #deadpool3 #pyrosback

Check out Stanford's Instagram post in full below:

During the same interview with Entertainment Weekly, Deadpool and Wolverine Director Shawn Levy talked about all the yet-unknown characters and cameos packed into the Merc with a Mouth's first adventure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, without giving away any spoilers. Levy said:

“We didn't want the cameos or the characters to be the story of the film.
But they are scattered everywhere.
There are a lot of characters.
The internet is full of rumors about the multitude of character cameos in this film.
Some rumors are true, others are completely false.
Wade [Wilson] He himself is a fan.


Ryan Reynolds Reveals: 'I Didn't Know If I'd Ever Play Deadpool Again'

Deadpool & Wolverines Ryan Reynolds talks about his new role as the Mercenary with a Mouth, while Emma Corrin reveals something juicy about the film's villain.

Levy continued:

“Without revealing anything about the different universes
the different characters live in…. because
he is something of an obsequious and talkative little fanboy himself,
This allows the film to call
and references a ton of deep Marvel references.”

Now that Stanford's Pyro is ready to burn everything in the multiverse, the obvious question becomes: Will Shawn Ashmore's Iceman be there to calm his hot-headed friend? X-Men: The Last Stand In 2006, Stanford spoke about Pyro and Iceman's unique and often cold relationship (via Youtube):

“Pyro and Iceman — you might see him in
X-Men 2
— that there is a relationship there.

They are friends, but they…
There is clearly something that doesn't quite fit with their personalities.
So there's always been a little bit of friction there —
and I think there's some resentment Pyro has for Bobby [Iceman].
I think he's jealous of the life Bobby had that he never had.
the family he had.

Stanford makes his first big screen appearance as Pyro since The last Stand. However, Ashmore reprised the role of Bobby Drake, aka Iceman, in Bryan Singer's film. X-Men: Days of Future Past. So, will these old friends be able to face each other again in Deadpool 3Fans will just have to wait and see. But as the Pat Benetar song goes: “I've seen you burn before. Fire and ice… you come in like a flame, then you turn your back.”

Deadpool and Wolverine
hits theaters on July 26.




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