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Taylor Zakhar Perez Talks Sustainability and Latino Representation in Hollywood


Perhaps best known for playing the son of the US President, Alex Claremont-Diaz, in the global Prime Video hit film. Red, white and royal blueActor Taylor Zakhar Perez may now be a central figure in Hollywood and on social media, from being named an ambassador at the SAG Awards earlier this year to traveling the world to attend various fashion shows and other special events, but he's remained conscious of striving to make smarter choices about our environment, as well as expanding opportunities for his fellow creatives.

Also known for his acting roles in projects like Naughty And The Kissing Booth films, I recently sat down with Zakhar Perez, 32, around the time the Red, white and royal blue With a sequel announced, one wonders what his interests are today beyond Hollywood and how he uses his influential public platform to elevate his passionate causes.

Zakhar Perez said, “Hmm, that's a good question.” So, when I was growing up, my mom was a big believer in organic food. We had a little garden out back – I mean, it got a little out of control because we had horses and then after they left, my mom planted this incredible garden out there – heavy with manure, heavy with fertilizer – and so it just kept growing and growing. For us, growing up, organic was like a dirty word, but [my mom] she had a sort of holistic way of behaving, it was like, No plastic – reuse your bag, take it home and I think that really fueled my love for sustainability.

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THE Red, white and royal blue Star then said that he feels like sustainability and going green has sometimes become a marketing ploy within our society, adding that organic people now associate the term “natural” with the term “natural” and that the term “organic” is not synonymous with “organic.”

Zakhar Perez continued: “Sustainability is a huge issue! I work with a woman named Harriet Vocking who is from the UK. She is a true steward of the planet and she is so smart that I get all my information and reading from her. It’s something I have to consider when I work with brands because it’s like, What are you doing for the world? Are you contributing 1% to the planet? Are you recycling? Are you finding different ways to reduce production and stop cutting and sewing so that everything comes out in one piece? This kind of thing is very important to me.

Vocking is the CEO of Eco-Age, a global agency that creates systemic solutions in line with science, in harmony with nature, and in solidarity with human rights. Over the past two years, Zakhar Perez began participating in supply chain tours with Eco-Age at The Woolmark Company, an Australian non-profit that is the world’s authority on the natural, renewable, and biodegradable fiber wool, because he wanted to learn more about where our products come from—what they’re made of, where they come from, and how many hands touch them before they land in our stores.

I also spoke briefly with Vocking about her interactions and loving thoughts on Zakhar Perez, and she said Taylor is the perfect example of how talent can use their platform for good. When we first met, it was clear that he cared about what he wore and where things came from. So I asked him to come with me on a few supply chain trips to get a first-hand look at the reality behind our clothes and jewelry. And he did! And it was epic. He came with me just to learn more. No deal, no hidden agenda—just the desire to make the world a better place—and that’s what makes him so special.

Over the past few months, Zakhar Perez has taken to his Instagram to thank The Woolmark Company, while posting photos of himself taken on location, for giving me the full fashion farm experience, where he learned about the wearability and versatility of wool.

Beyond his ongoing sustainability efforts, Zakhar Perez is also focused on supporting his Latin community as he navigates the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry.

He said: “Latino talent in mainstream media today is continually underrepresented. In the United States, 19% of the population is Latino, right? That’s not representative in television and film. I think less than 10% of actors are Latino, and 5% or less of showrunners and directors are Latino. [Latin]. It's crazy because Latino-led TV shows are some of the most watched projects in the world on our streamers. I'm starting to build a production company and these are the steps I'm looking at to get there, What kind of stories do I want to tell?

Zakhar Perez added: “Latino viewers make up 25% of the American population and the fact that they can’t see themselves on screen is, I think, detrimental to their mental health. You need to see positive representations of yourself on screen. My goal is to find talented producers and writers who want to tell these stories independently, commercially, and who really want to advocate for Latinos in the media. This year, 34 to 35 million Latinos will be eligible to vote and the future looks very bright. I think most Latinos in the United States are Latinos.” [currently] They're 11 years old and in the next 10 to 20 years they're going to be the industry and I think that's really exciting.




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