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Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Reports Decrease in Homeless Population in West Hollywood


The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) on Friday, June 28, 2024 released data from its 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Census, including summary data for Los Angeles County and point-in-time raw data for districts and cities in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care, which includes the City of West Hollywood.

LAHSA's point-in-time raw data indicates a reduction in the actual number of people suffering from homelessness in West Hollywood in 2024 to 67 people compared to 85 people in 2023. LAHSA has not, to date, providedfactoreddata for cities, an approach LAHSA uses to arrive at multiplier-adjusted count totals to estimate the additional number of people living in informal settlements. LAHSA may provide additional multiplier-adjusted data in the coming weeks.

Details on LAHSA's 2024 homeless count are available in the news section of the site.LAHSA Websiteand, LAHSA’s Greater Los Angeles Homeless Census counted 75,312 people experiencing homelessness; details are provided via thedata summaryon the LAHSA website.

The City of West Hollywood continues to invest and collaborate on various solutions to address homelessness. The City's Division of Human Services oversees the City of West Hollywood Homeless Initiativethat provides a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency collaborative response. This includes multiple city departments, city-funded social service agencies, the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles County agencies and others, providing a wide variety of services aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness in West Hollywood, as well as supporting community members who are homeless by connecting them to trusted and responsive resources.

The City provides outreach, behavioral health, case management, rent stabilization, housing retention, and other services that can save lives, help members of the homeless community move into permanent, supportive housing, and improve the well-being of the community as a whole. From October 2016 to September 2023, 318 people in West Hollywood were newly housed, ending their experience of homelessness; 80 members of the West Hollywood homeless community moved into stable housing between October 2022 and September 2023. Additionally, the City’s robust tenant protection policies, rental assistance, and other support programs help people remain in their homes when economic instability or other factors may create housing vulnerabilities. From October 2016 to September 2023, the city awarded 2,366 rental assistance grants for homelessness prevention.

As a top priority to effectively address homelessness, the City of West Hollywood is currently developing theHolloway Interim Housing Schemeon the site of the former Holloway Motel. The Holloway, which is currently under construction, will provide a safe space for people experiencing homelessness for up to 90 days, providing residents with resources, support and time to transition to permanent supportive housing. The program will be managed and operated through a partnership withAscensiona nonprofit homeless services agency that will provide comprehensive case management and support services. Holloway builds on the City of West Hollywood’s 30+ years of efforts to partner with local agencies to provide human-centered social services to members of the homeless community and to address the unique needs of community members, building on the City’s proud history of inclusion and empathy in service delivery.

For more information about the West Hollywood Homeless Initiative, including progress reports with detailed data, please more information about the Holloway Interim Housing Scheme please

If you are concerned about a community member who is homeless, call the West Hollywood Homeless Initiative Concern Line at (323) 848-6590. If your concern requires urgent assistance during the night or on the weekend, please call the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station at (310) 855-8850.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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