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Entertainment, outdoors and summer nostalgia at a free weekly movie night in Charlotte


Throughout the month of August, Camp North End will host its Crossroads Cinema series, a free outdoor movie event held every Thursday night. The series features films from the '90s and '00s, like the cheerleading classic “Bring it On” and Spike Lee's “Do the Right Thing.”

On June 27, the screening of “Charlie's Angels” (2000) drew a large crowd – including part of the QCity Metro team.

Here's what we thought of the experience.

Setting the scene

Before the film began, dozens of people had already chosen their spots on the lawn and set up deck chairs and blankets.

Since the event is held outdoors, there are plenty of seats available, offering many angles to view the screen. The movie started at 8:00 PM, just as the sun was setting, offering a great view of Camp North End and the movie itself.

If you don't want to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, there are also several brightly colored picnic tables in the area.

Atmosphere and ambiance

As the audience waited for the movie to begin, music played and there was a lot of chatter as people looked for a place to sit or searched for their friends.

The Crossroads Cinema series is also dog-friendly, so during our visit we had the chance to meet other attendees' pets.

In addition to the movie, the series offers free arcade games to play before the movie starts.

Even though the movie was outdoors and the crowd was large, the viewing experience was surprisingly quiet and not disturbed by chatter, as we expected. It was like being inside a theater.

Food and drink

While Camp North End has no shortage of places to eat or drink before the movie starts, the Crossroads Cinema series also offers classic movie concessions like popcorn, candy and hot dogs.

The drinks menu also included hard sodas, ciders and summer-themed cocktails.

Additionally, a food truck served pizza to viewers before and during the film.

All the options offered made the event feel like it was suitable for a family outing or a night out with friends.

Final verdict

Crossroads Cinema is a great way to unwind and get out of the house before the weekend begins. It's also a fun and somewhat nostalgic way to spend a summer evening.

Plus, the movies are free.

Pro tip: To get the best selection of seats, it's important to arrive early. Additionally, arriving early gives you better access to Camp North End's many places to relax, dine, and drink before the movie. Free arcade games are also a bonus before the movie starts.

The “it”: Crossroads Movie Series

Overall score: 4/5

Price:Free event, with food and drinks available for purchase

What we liked:The friendly attendees, the concessions, the movie selection and the outdoor atmosphere of the event

What we wish was different: Since the movie is projected on a screen and starts before sunset, it was a little difficult to see the screen. Outdoor movie projectors require near-total darkness for good viewing, and there was still some light.




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