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Review: Spectacular, spectacularly violent Bollywood thriller Kill aims for… well, you know


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Kill pushes the boundaries of Bollywood's generally conservative tolerance for blood and guts.Provided

  • Kill
  • Written and directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhatt
  • Featuring Lakshya, Tanya Maniktala and Raghav Juyal
  • Classification Not applicable; 105 minutes
  • Open in theaters July 5

Critics' Choice

A film that answers the probably unasked but still important question of what would happen if John Wick boarded the train Snowdropthe new hindi language movie Kill is a spectacular exercise in high-speed, breathtaking chaos.

Pushing the boundaries of Bollywood's typical conservative tolerance for blood and guts, writer-director Nikhil Nagesh Bhats' feature is built on a number of clever narrative and stylistic tricks that gradually cement its status as a new action classic full of nasty surprises.

The film opens with a chaste romantic melodrama that will perhaps be more familiar to fans of his co-star Tanya Maniktala, who plays a young woman named Tulika who is betrothed against her will to a rich jerk when in fact she is in love with the stoic army commando Amrit (Lakshya). In an attempt to prevent the impending wedding, Amrit boards an overnight train to New Delhi, which is carrying Tulika and her entire family. But when the train is hijacked by a group of ruthless thugs, Amrit is forced to deploy his very special skills to ensure the safety of his beloved.

During its first half hour, KillThe fights are plentiful, if a bit mundane in their staging and speed. Amrit can kick, punch and stab with the best of them, but the choreography is repetitive and doesn't keep the audience on their toes. It turns out the slow pace is deliberate, with Bhat suddenly turning things around and ratcheting up the intensity to the point of breaking necks.

Without giving away the details of this twist, the delayed moment of narrative and aesthetic acceleration is also when the director finally lets the film's credits roll on screen, resulting in one of the best end-of-film opening credits moments since Drive my car.

Amrit, who finds deadly and inventive uses for everything from curtains to fire extinguishers, is a one-man killing machine that could scare even Mr. Wick, and Lakshya summons the hero with frightening ferocity. And the good guy's strengths are matched by Fani (Raghav Juyal), who leads his family gang of thieves with a maddeningly psychotic bloodlust.

Inspired by the real-life phenomenon of Indian train robbers known as dacoits, Bhats’ film cleverly ups the stakes by having all the thugs be members of the same extended family. When one is sent to the scene, the other is driven into furious action to avenge his dead uncle, cousin or brother. And as the body count mounts on both sides, the film plays with the concept of what family honour means to different clans and classes.

Naturally, there are already plans for an English remake of Killproduced by John WickBhats' own director, Chad Stahelski. But for action purists, Bhats' train hell needs no translation. Bite your tongue and keep your feet high.




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