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Hugh Jackman Recalls Tough Audition for Wolverine When Another Actor Had Already Been Cast


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Louise Thomas

It's hard to imagine anyone other than Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the X-Men franchise.

The 55-year-old Australian actor has played the mutant superhero in nine films, starting with X-Men in 2000, and is now set to reprise the role in Deadpool and Wolverine alongside Ryan Reynolds.

However, actor Dougray Scott was originally slated to play the role of Wolverine in the first film, but he ultimately had to withdraw from the project due to scheduling conflicts, as he was already cast in Mission: Impossible 2.

The producers then had to recast the role at the last minute, and ended up calling on Jackman.

In an interview with Weekly EntertainmentTHE The Greatest Showman The star recalls being asked to read lines from director Bryan Singer's trailer, while screenwriter Tom DeSanto sat seemingly unimpressed in the corner.

He just said, 'Calm down, calm down, calm down,'” Jackman said. “By the end, I couldn't even hear myself,” Jackman said of DeSanto. “I could tell he was wondering why, on my lunch break, I was auditioning a guy for a role I already cast.” He was pissed.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Team Up in Deadpool & Wolverine
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman Team Up in Deadpool & Wolverine (Marvel Studios)

Jackson felt depressed after the experience and was not optimistic about his chances of getting the role.

However, Kevin Feige, now CEO of Marvel Studios, was working as an assistant producer on the film and offered to take him to dinner with the screenwriter.

I said, 'Kevin, we all know I'm not getting the part. You don't have to have dinner with me,'” Jackman said. But no, he sat there and had steak with me and drove me to the airport. I'll never forget that. It was the sweetest thing. I thought, 'I'll never see him again.'

Jackman will of course get the role, although some filmmakers were apparently worried that he would be too tall, according to Feige (in the original film). X-Men In the comics, Wolverine is described as being small).

Hugh Jackman in the trailer for the upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine movie
Hugh Jackman in the trailer for the upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine movie (Marvel Studios)

Disney, owner of Marvel Studios, would go on to purchase Fox, including the studio's rights to the X-Men characters, in 2019.

Feige is a producer on Deadpool and Wolverinedirected by Shaun Levy and due in UK cinemas on 25th July.




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