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Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, Hollywood urge Biden to step down after debate debacle: 'Short-term damage for'


Reed Hastings, a major Democratic Party donor and co-founder of streaming service Netflix (NFLX.O), has joined a growing number of Democratic supporters in urging President Joe Biden to withdraw from the race after his disastrous performance in last week's debate.

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings urged President Joe Biden to drop out of the race after his disastrous performance in last week's debate. (AP)
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings urged President Joe Biden to drop out of the race after his disastrous performance in last week's debate. (AP)

In an email to the New York Times, Hastings was quoted as saying:
Biden must step aside to allow a strong Democratic leader to defeat Trump and ensure our security and prosperity.

Hastings, who has donated more than $20 million to the Democratic Party over the years with his wife Patty Quillin, is one of the largest Democratic donors to issue such a statement.

Faced with multiple public calls for his resignation, including from two Democratic members of Congress, Biden has vowed to continue running against his Republican rival Donald Trump in November.

Biden held a conference call Wednesday with the Democratic National Committee and said, “I’m going to say it as clearly as I can, as simply and directly as I can: I’m running… Nobody is pushing me to leave.” He added, “I’m not leaving. I’m in this race all the way and we’re going to win.”

However, some Democrats are still unsure whether Biden is the party's nominee.

Read also: Unbelievable: White House under fire for lying to our faces after Joe Biden accidentally admits

Here's What the Hollywood Camp Has to Say About Biden's Revival

After Biden's “simply revolutionary” debate performance, screenwriter Damon Lindelof, a longtime Democrat who endorsed Biden in 2020 and donated to his campaign, said it was time for Democrats to “wake up” and urged donors to withhold funds from the party until Biden withdraws his reelection campaign.

And so, I propose a DEMbargo. No checks written. No clicking on ActBlue links. For everyone, the co-creator of the hit TV series Lost wrote in a guest column for Deadline on Wednesday. He further characterized his move as a short-term injury for long-term healing.

Ahead of the CNN debate, Hollywood celebrities including Julia Roberts and George Clooney hosted a historic $30 million event for Biden's campaign in Los Angeles. However, Hollywood celebrities began criticizing Biden after his poor performance in the debate.

Hollywood mogul Ari Emanuel expressed his displeasure with Biden's resumption.

During his appearance at the Aspen Ideas festival, he told the crowd that he was angry with the founding father.

They had a start date of 35 years, but they didn't give us an end date. And, well, everybody died. [back then]So they didn't have to give an end date, he said, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Additionally, Emanuel accused Biden's advisers of lying to people about his deteriorating mental and physical abilities.

In his first post-debate interview, Biden will speak with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos on Friday.




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