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MaXXXine Review: Bloody Revelations of the Hollywood Machine


The only film genre that is both more morally censored and more popular than horror is porn. That censorship-friendly sweet spot where sex and violence intersect has already been explored by Ti West’s 1970s-set X and its Great War prequel Pearl (both out in 2022). Mia Goth starred in both films, playing the psychopathic, sexually voracious Pearl who will do anything, even murder, to become a star, and the rising starlet Maxine who, while shooting a porno in Texas on the Pearl family’s now much older farm, survives the ensuing massacre. Yet Maxine’s future, like her face, seemed to be reflected in Pearls.

The metacinematic MaXXXine closes the trilogy on a note of deliberately shabby sophistication. Even its title, like Xs, suggests an adult rating. It all takes place under the banner of Hollywood in 1985, when sex, cuts and censorship were very much in the air. TV report on the Cancer Prevention Resource Center the introduction of parental controls for music and the horrific outrages of satanic serial rapist/killer NightStalker.

Caught in the crossfire, Maxine (Goth), an ambitious and fearless survivor, literally breaks the balls of any man who threatens her, even as she approaches her 33rd birthday, she branches out from her now established porn career into a more conventional film role. She lands a role in Puritan II, whose ruthless writer/director Elizabeth Bender (Elizabeth Debicki), like Maxine and West himself, hopes to use the period horror sequel to gain mainstream credibility.

Maxine's friends and colleagues begin to be brutally murdered, leading her to wonder if it's not right. Los Angeles Police Department Hot on her heels are detectives Williams and Torres (Michelle Monaghan, Bobby Cannavale) and toy soldier John Labat (Kevin Bacon). While Bender dreams of his film showing the dark side of 1950s America, Maxine's childhood in that decade catches up with her, a past that is shown at the beginning of MaXXXine as a monochrome home movie on a television set, with the same Academy-style framing that opens each film in this series before widening out.

Playing out like an 80s giallo thriller, akin to Dressed to Kill (1980) or Body Double (1984), MaXXXine not only reveres De Palma, but also the Hitchcock homages that have characterized De Palma’s oeuvre (culminating in multiple visits to the set of the first Psycho sequel). The film becomes a knowingly grindhouse-derived hall of mirrors, where Maxxxine’s life on and off screen is equally dictated by horror tropes. It’s a witty, gory, coke-fueled expose of the Hollywood machine at its most cynically exploitative, where every star’s rise implies an eventual fall.

MaXXXine is in UNITED KINGDOM cinemas from July 5.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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