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Avelo Airlines Cuts Flights in Redding, Reaches 10,000 Flights in Hollywood Burbank



  • Avelo Airlines is suspending service from Hollywood Burbank to Redding Regional Airport due to the departure of a ground handler from California.
  • Redding Regional Airport has seen steady growth in air service, but remains among the smallest airports in California.
  • Avelo Airlines celebrates 10,000 flights and more than 1.1 million passengers at Hollywood Burbank Airport, offering convenience, affordability and reliability.

Starting a new airline and keeping it running smoothly is no small feat. It often involves launching and closing routes to build a strong, profitable network. Closing services, especially to regional destinations that aren’t well served, is never easy, but for Avelo Airlines, closing services between Hollywood Burbank and Redding Regional Airport was out of their control.

Reduction in flights to Redding

In the United States, Redding Regional Airport (RDD) in California has announced that effective August 26, 2024, Avelo Airlines will cease air service at the airport. Avelo Airlines' (Avelo) service between Los Angeles Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR) and Redding Regional Airport had been going strong, but the ground operator's decision to leave California has put a damper on that.

An Avelo Airlines Boeing 737 taking off

Photo: EdgardoS80 | Shutterstock

The ground services provider is Trego Dugan Aviation, which provides support for ticketing, baggage handling and guiding aircraft to and from the gate, but has now made the business decision to leave California. An Avelo spokesperson said:

“We recently learned that the business partner supporting Avelo’s airport operations at Redding Regional Airport will no longer be serving RDD. As a result, we have made the decision to cancel Avelo’s service between RDD and Los Angeles Hollywood Burbank Airport, effective August 26. This decision also allows us to better utilize our resources elsewhere in the Avelo system.”


Avelo Airlines Celebrates 3rd Anniversary, Launches Orlando-Miami Flights

The door-to-door journey takes just over an hour.

The airport has seen steady growth in its air service over the past few years. However, it remains one of the smallest airports in California. Avelo had to make the difficult decision to reduce its service, even though it maintained a very high number of passengers on each Avelo flight during the time it served Redding Regional Airport. The airline will continue to serve other airports in California.

Lauren Ford, RDD Deputy Director of Airports, said:

“Avelo Airlines is a strong partner in providing low-cost air service to and from Redding Regional Airport. We remain hopeful that once operational challenges are resolved, we can consider a return of Avelo service to Redding Regional Airport.”

Travelers from Northern California can still fly with United Airlines between Redding and the Los Angeles/Hollywood area via Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). There is also RDD service to and from Los Angeles and San Francisco via United Airlines and to Seattle via Alaska Airlines.

10,000 flights in Los Angeles

On Tuesday, Avelo announced that it has completed 10,000 flights since April 2021, carrying more than 1.1 million passengers through Los Angeles’ premier airport, Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR). Avelo Airlines founder and CEO Andrew Levy said the airline is thrilled to celebrate 10,000 flights between Los Angeles and its popular network of 14 West Coast destinations.

“The more than 1.1 million customers we’ve flown to and from BUR since we launched three years ago are a testament to the convenience, affordability and reliability that set Avelo apart. Now is the perfect time for Los Angeles travelers to book their summer vacation or long weekend getaway.”


88% On-time Performance: Avelo Airlines Records Best On-Time Performance of U.S. Airlines, Lowest Cancellation Rate in May

This is the second consecutive month for the reliable low-cost carrier.

In 2019, Fodor's Travel named Burbank the “Best Airport in the U.S.,” and today, the airport offers a convenient, hassle-free experience for departing and arriving passengers. Its perks include hassle-free curbside pickup and drop-off, fewer crowds, unmatched speeds for baggage delivery from the plane to the carousel, faster TSA security lines, short walks from the terminal to ground transportation, parking, and rental cars.

Avelo Airlines Takeoff

Photo: Avelo Airlines.

Avelo operates a fleet of 16 Boeing 737-700/800 aircraft to 49 destinations across the United States and Puerto Rico from its bases at Hollywood Burbank, Tweed-New Haven (HVN) in southern Connecticut, Orlando International (MCO), Wilmington Airport (ILG) in the Philadelphia and Delaware Valley region, Raliegh-Durham International (RDU) and Sonoma County Airport (STS) in the Bay Area.

Since its first flight in April 2021, Avelo has carried more than 4.8 million customers on more than 38,000 flights to the United States and Puerto Rico. In the first five months of 2024, it ranked first in on-time performance and maintained the second-lowest flight cancellation rate of any U.S. carrier.




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