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The Boys' Black Noir Actor Removing His Mask After 30 Episodes Was Worth the Wait


The following contains spoilers for The Boys Season 4, Episode 6, “Dirty Business,” currently streaming on Prime Video.


  • Nathan Mitchell's version of Black Noir reinvents the character in Season 4, presenting a down-to-earth, sarcastic, and surprisingly funny personality.
  • Black Noir's unmasking in the episode “Dirty Business” allows for a meta take on the character and a deeper exploration of power dynamics.
  • The death of the original Black Noir opens up new narrative directions, enhancing the series' commentary on the entertainment industry and human nature.

The boys has completely reinvented Black Noir for Season 4, and the latest episode might just be the most entertaining the character has ever seen. Originally introduced as a silent but deadly member of The Seven, Black Noir played small roles in the first two seasons of The boys. That changed with Season 3, which delved deeper into his origins and explored his inner motivations. It was a surprising and touching performance from Nathan Mitchell, which seemed to end in a gruesome way with Black Noir's death at the hands of Homelander.

However, a new character has taken over from Black Noir, allowing Mitchell to retain the role. It has become clear throughout Season 4 that he is now playing a very different version of Black Noir, recasting the character as an actor struggling to get into the psychology of a tricky role. This personality makes him ideal for The boys the casting of characters and sets up a scene in Season 4, Episode 6, “Dirty Business,” that proves exactly how well this new version of Black Noir fits into the series.


I understood what The Boys season 4 is really doing with Frenchie's story

Frenchie has had one of the deepest stories so far in The Boys Season 4, but I've come to understand what the show is really doing with his character arc.

After 30 episodes, The Boys season 4 episode 6 finally shows Nathan Mitchell's face

The boys Nathan Mitchell Finally Drops His Black Mask

The Boys Season 4 Unmasked Black Noir 5

Nathan Mitchell did a great job playing the new Black Noir on The boysand the chance to finally see it open is a very surprising moment The boys Season 4. After taking on the role of Black Noir between the events of Season 3 and Season 4, Mitchell showed just how different this new Black Noir was by loudly proclaiming his surprise at being ordered by Homelander to commit murder in “Dirty Business.” It was a fun, unexpected wrinkle in the Seven's dynamic, especially in his relationship with characters like the Deep.

Far different from the terrifying, silent and quietly tragic Black Noir of the first three seasons, Nathan Mitchell's new Black Noir has a much more grounded identityHe has very human reactions to the bizarre situation around him and responds with a sarcastic frustration that makes him surprisingly funny. It's also nice to see the actor behind Black Noir. While the previous three seasons largely kept Mitchell's face hidden behind a featureless mask and huge scars, it's a lot of fun to see the new Black Noir revealed as an average Supe with a seemingly regular personality.

Black Noir's The Boys Unmasked Season 4 Scene Is Perfect

The conversation between Black Noir and The Deep is hilarious and enlightening

The Boys Season 4 Unmasked Black Noir 4

In “Dirty Business,” there's a very funny scene where Deep is talking to Black Noir in the Seven's base. While everyone is horrified by Homelander and his dangerous potential, Black Noir has taken to lounging in his chair and drinking sake while complaining about his “temper.” Black Noir has already expressed frustration in Season 4 about not really getting into the role, comparing the murderous “Black Noir” to an underrated acting role. This is a very funny and very meta take on Black Noir.and sets up his funny, frustrating back-and-forth with the Deep.

Things take a darker turn as the scene progresses, playing on The boys exploration of power and how it can turn bad people into horrible monsters. It's funny when the new Black Noir admits that he doesn't like violence and can't get into the mind of the mass murderer who previously filled that role, but it needs a darker shade when he begins to absorb Deep's increasingly disturbing belief that frightening violence equals respect and power. It's a perfect blend of The boys approach to superhero comedy, satirical commentary and complex storytelling.


I laughed at Marvel & DC Expo's parody of The Boys season 4, but didn't like it

The Boys has always been critical of Hollywood and usually provides hilarious commentary, but it seems to be falling into its own trap.

The death of the real Black Noir made the character even better

The new Black Noir features a new and dangerous villain for The boys Entering Season 5

The death of the original Black Noir was a blessing for The boyswho was able to use it as a great springboard into new narrative directions. His storyline in Season 3 was a clever way to reveal more about Soldier Boy, while also establishing him as one of the show's most tragic characters. It was surprising how genuinely touching his death at the hands of Homelander was, especially his surprisingly sweet final moments imagining his cartoon friends. The new Black Noir is a direct contrast to the original, and works better for it.

The new Black Noir is a hilarious sequel to The boys“self-conscious commentary about the entertainment industry, with its frustrated actor aspects making fun of the concept. It's a great opportunity for Nathan Mitchell to showcase his acting chops with someone who can actually talk. It also allows him to play on the themes of the series as a whole, with his comedic conversation with the Deep taking a very menacing turn. Black Noir has become a great encapsulation of The boys overall, and it became one of the best elements of Season 4.




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