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Grande Prairie Creative Arts Centre Print Gallery


There is a very good atmosphere in this center, it is very welcoming and comforting, this is not the case everywhere.

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Roberta Linfields' passion for creating art is evident when asked what inspired her to get into it.

I've always wanted to do it, ever since I was a child. I've always used it as a kind of well-being. It makes me happy. When I was a child, I did any kind of craft that I could get my hands on.

The art scene has changed since she was 20, and she thinks more and more people are following their passions these days.

Linfield and his students' work was presented at the Creative Arts Centre under the title Playful Impressions. The exhibition ran from May 3 to June 29.

The gallery's special feature is gelatin plate etching, and she explains its importance and the possibilities for creative freedom that its use offers.

This course takes place on Saturdays during the months of January, February and March.
This course takes place on Saturdays during the months of January, February and March. Photography by BREANNA DRIEDGER /DAILY HERALD TRIBUNE

Abstract art can be the result of this process, but you can also create pictures, portraits, and transfer images. There are so many applications. It's amazing. And that's one of the reasons I really like it. I haven't even gotten to the point of doing everything I want to do with it yet.

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This course takes place on Saturdays during the months of January, February and March.

It's also a fairly accessible art form, due to the number of different mediums that can be used, including watercolor, inks, acrylic paint, oil pastels, and chalk pastels. I don't think I've ever seen anyone come away from there without saying it was so much fun.

For image transfer, a simple walk in the park to collect twigs and leaves is enough to obtain remarkable prints.

There are so many possibilities that it's definitely worth getting into. And if you're just doing it for fun, that's great too. When I'm done, I feel really good. I can't not create and it really helps me.

She focuses primarily on stone carving, such as soapstone and alabaster, and also works with acrylic paint.

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Linfield got into soapstone carving after taking a class at the centre and became a bit obsessed with it, she says. The centre has a great atmosphere. It’s very welcoming and comforting, which you don’t find everywhere.

In 1983 she received an Associate of Fine Arts degree from Kwantlen College in Surrey and was accepted into the Kwantlen College Juried Show in 1982 and 1983.

She has had numerous exhibitions at the center, including solo shows, and has also participated several times in Art Squared, an annual silent auction.

The Montrose Cultural Centers' group installation On Beat, Off Beat featured Linfields' work, and two of his works were accepted into the biennial international exhibition of mini-prints at the Contemporary Printmakers Center in Greenwich, Connecticut.

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