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Inside Brazil Court, the historic Palm Beach hotel where Hollywood royalty hides in luxury

Inside Brazil Court, the historic Palm Beach hotel where Hollywood royalty hides in luxury
Inside Brazil Court, the historic Palm Beach hotel where Hollywood royalty hides in luxury


Normally, New York's celebrities flock to the glamorous town of Palm Beach to see and be seen.

But for decades, a special reserve of Hollywood royalty — and some actual princes — have flocked to a hidden hotel to escape prying eyes and cameras.

The Brazilian CourtBuilt in 1926 and discreetly located off Hibiscus Avenue, it has long been the luxurious retreat of choice for the world's rich and famous.

The famous Greta Garbo, known for her introversion and her “I Want to Be Alone” side, is known to have languished quietly by her shaded swimming pool between two love scandals, as are Audrey Hepburn, Frank Sinatra and even JFK.

Steeped in history, the hotel is now imbued with 21st century charm.

For decades, a special reserve of Hollywood royalty has flocked to a Brazilian courthouse to escape prying eyes and cameras.

The refreshing palm-shaded pool at Brazil Court offers the perfect escape from prying eyes

The refreshing palm-shaded pool at Brazil Court offers the perfect escape from prying eyes

The on-site restaurant, Café Boulud, the sunny outpost of famed New York restaurateur and chef Daniel Boulud, and other modern luxuries.

On Fridays, a DJ gets a crowd of young, affluent party-goers going.

The dinner is both casual and extravagant.

Martinis, champagne, Cobb salad and Dover sole. The chef’s tasting menu is an added treat, with opulent wine pairings to complete the experience.

The only thing better than food and service is people watching.

A parade of Pucci, Brooks Brothers and Cartier parades past the bougainvillea-adorned entrance and into the air-conditioned, marble-accented bar.

While the clientele at Brazil Courts sparkles, it's the staff that truly shines and the exquisite rooms are the perfect blend of color and Palm Beach charm.

If guests wish to venture outside the hotel walls, a beach excursion can be arranged in a snap.

Robert, Jackie, Ethel and John F. Kennedy relax on Palm Beach in 1957

Robert, Jackie, Ethel and John F. Kennedy relax on Palm Beach in 1957

The courtyard after being renovated following the devastating hurricane of 1947

The courtyard after being renovated following the devastating hurricane of 1947

The famous introverted Greta

Audrey Hepburn is another guest of the hotel

Famous introvert Greta Garbo “I Want to Be Alone” is known for languishing quietly by her shaded pool, as is Audrey Hepburn

A new perk for guests is a two-hour cruise on the hotel’s 40-foot, James Bond-style speedboat, the BC One. Captain Kyle and his crew, brimming with history and knowledge, make this outing especially fun as they point out the bay’s homes and their famous owners.

The cruise will also take you past Peanut Island, the state park now best known for its drunken mobs with boats, but it's where the Secret Service built a secure bunker for JFK in the '60s, in case his safety was questioned during one of his island escapades.

This synergy between modern debauchery and decades of renowned history runs through the salmon-pink veins of the entire city.

Every street has a story, every house a secret.

The hotel is buzzing with activity in high season, with crowds of young and old flocking to its bars

The hotel is buzzing with activity in high season, with crowds of young and old flocking to its bars

The sumptuous guest rooms, elegantly decorated with silks, velvets and wood finishes

The sumptuous guest rooms, elegantly decorated with silks, velvets and wood finishes

A new perk for guests is a two-hour cruise on the hotel's 40-foot James Bond-style speedboat, the BC One.

A new perk for guests is a two-hour cruise on the hotel's 40-foot James Bond-style speedboat, the BC One.

A trip to the beach is a snap. Ride around the island on one of the hotel's complimentary bicycles or use the hotel's golf cart and golf cart service.

A trip to the beach is a snap. Ride around the island on one of the hotel's complimentary bicycles or use the hotel's golf cart and golf cart service.

A trip to the beach is a snap. Ride around the island on one of the hotel's complimentary bicycles or use the hotel's golf cart and golf cart service.

Brazilian justice keeps these secrets safe today. And it will continue to do so, it seems, for years to come.

Such discretion comes at a price. A standard double room in high season costs about $1,600 a night.

But compared to the all-powerful and all-knowing Breakers or the luxurious Four Seasons, the quiet elegance of the Brazilian Court speaks volumes.

During the quiet, wet months of June, July and August – or off-season, as the locals say – there are bargains to be had.

When the season resumes after the fall, the Brazilian Court will be buzzing, thanks in part to a new pool bar that will be built in time for snowbirds.

Sneak in before then for a chance to soak up the glamour and guild of one of Palm Beach's most dedicated mainstays.




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