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Justin Timberlake to open Scottish sports bar after DUI arrest: Will it be called MugShots?

Justin Timberlake to open Scottish sports bar after DUI arrest: Will it be called MugShots?
Justin Timberlake to open Scottish sports bar after DUI arrest: Will it be called MugShots?


Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods are toasting their latest venture: a luxury sports bar in St. Andrews, Scotland. The new venture follows the success of their flagship sports bar in New York City, which has become one of the most popular celebrity hangouts. The duo are now eyeing a second partnership, this time with an upscale venue at T-Squared Social. The new venue promises to be a haven for fans of sports and high-end entertainment. However, the announcement has sparked some online banter, with some fans taking aim at Timberlake's recent DUI arrest.

Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods are teaming up to create a luxury sports bar in St. Andrews, Scotland, expanding from the famous New York flagship store.
Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods are teaming up to create a luxury sports bar in St. Andrews, Scotland, expanding from the famous New York flagship store.

DUI arrest doesn't stop Timberlake from planning bar

Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods' new business plans are set to breathe new life into the historic New Picture House Cinema in St. Andrews, Scotland. The strategy is to keep the heart of the cinema alive by preserving its original movie screens. In addition to the classic movie experience, they will add state-of-the-art sports simulators, bowling alleys and dart boards for a more dynamic entertainment center, Billboards says.

This adventure holds a special place in Timberlake's heart, as he already knows the legendary St. Andrews course, having participated in it himself, the media also reports.

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Justin Timberlake's New Sports Bar Will Boost Local Economy

Additionally, Justin Timberlake's upscale sports bar is expected to create 40 to 45 jobs, boosting the local economy. The bar has received approval from the Fife City Council, which praised the idea for revitalizing the area. The project is expected to break ground within the next three years, according to the conditions of approval. The announcement comes shortly after Timberlake was arrested for drunken driving in Sag Harbor on June 18.

Timberlakes' sports bar project sparks jokes from fans about DUI arrest

Known for his goofy side, the SexyBack singer is no stranger to laughter. And that extends to his fans, who are notoriously playful. So when news broke that Timberlake and Tiger Woods were opening a swanky new sports bar in Scotland, the internet went wild. Timberlake himself even responded to his recent DUI arrest by cracking a few lighthearted jokes at his recent concerts.

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“Is it going to be called Mug Shots?” joked one fan. Another added, “Yeah, that sounds like the perfect opportunity.” “The Dive Bar?” joked another, sparking a conversation full of puns and creativity. “He really knows his way around a sports bar,” someone else added, joining in on the humor.




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