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Official Sailor Moon Actor Dazzles With Magical Usagi and Chibiusa Cosplay

Official Sailor Moon Actor Dazzles With Magical Usagi and Chibiusa Cosplay
Official Sailor Moon Actor Dazzles With Magical Usagi and Chibiusa Cosplay


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Official Sailor Moon Stage actress Riko Tanaka commemorates Usagi Tsukino and Chibiusa's birthdays with her charming cosplay from the series' 30th anniversary musical festival.

Tanaka has once again surprised fans with a recent post via his official X account (formerly Twitter), showcasing an impressive cosplay of Sailor MoonUsagi and Chibiusa on their birthday. She captioned the post as, “#UsagiTsukinoBirthday2024. Usagi-chan, Chibiusa-chan, a very happy birthday to you both.” Readers can check out her cosplay below, which accurately captures both characters' “odango” hairstyles, with Usagi in her transformed Sailor Guardian outfit and Chibiusa in a polka-dot dress.


Sailor Moon Creator Reveals Brand New Artwork for Usagi and Chibiusa

Sailor Moon gets a brand new illustration for the franchise's official store, commemorating Usagi Tsukino and Chibiusa's birthday with a full-color illustration.

In addition to being a huge fan of the series, Tanaka played the role of Usagi herself in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 30th Anniversary Music Festival -Review-directed by Kaori Miura, as well as in the musical adaptation of one of the Sailor MoonThe lesser-known adventures of Legend of Kaguya Island. Tanaka also starred in a film adaptation of the Kaiji manga and in the Global Trigger stage adaptation with Rei Nasu and Rin Kagami.

Sailor Moon Continues to Inspire Breathtaking Cosplay After More Than 30 Years

Without surprise, Sailor MoonThe genre-defining release of 's has sparked many cosplay efforts to date. Official stage plays and musicals, most recently seen in the Sailor Moon, Pretty Guardian – Nogizaka46 Version April’s musicals continue to captivate fans with high production values. However, many of the most innovative cosplays come from regular fans and their endless imaginations. Cosplayer Princess Usako’s capture of Sailor Moon’s iconic transformation sequence measured 60 feet and over a decade in the making; mash-ups like @mochi_fett’s Sailor Moon And Star Wars The cosplay highlights the relevance of the series, even more than 30 years after its release.


Hunter x Hunter Fans Are Going Crazy Over Creator's New Magical Girl-Inspired Artwork

Hunter x Hunter's Yoshihiro Togashi reveals a surprising crossover illustration between his Gon Freecss and the legendary manga series, Sailor Moon.

Kodansha USA License Pretty Guardian Sailor Moondescribing the series: “Usagi Tsukino is a normal girl until she meets Luna, a talking cat, who tells her she is Sailor Moon. As Sailor Moon, Usagi must fight evil and uphold justice, in the name of the Moon and the mysterious Moon Princess. She meets other girls destined to become Sailor Senshi (Sailor Scouts), and together, they fight the forces of evil!”

Source: Riko Tanaka's Official X (formerly Twitter)




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