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Colchester Review: We tried bowling at the Hollywood Bowl

Colchester Review: We tried bowling at the Hollywood Bowl


Hollywood Bowl Colchester opened at Northern Gateway Leisure Park on June 26 and the $5.5 million entertainment complex features state-of-the-art bowling alleys, mini golf courses and an American-style bar and restaurant.

There are also plenty of arcade games for punters to enjoy, but for this particular visit I focused on the extremely fun 26-lane bowling alley.

Once inside you will head to the large reception desk where guests can book a game or confirm their pre-booking.

Location - Outside Hollywood Bowl ColchesterLocation – Outside Hollywood Bowl Colchester (Image: Newsquest)

Colorful - Some bowling lanesColorful – Some bowling lanes (Image: Newsquest)

Interestingly, unlike a session at Tenpin Colchester Bowling in Cowdray Avenue, you don't have to wear bowling shoes at Hollywood Bowl Colchester, just make sure you're in comfortable shoes.

After you first head into the large bowling area, you can't help but be drawn in by the bright lights and stylish, colorful decor.

On the 20 tracks on the building's ground floor, you'll notice green, yellow, pink and even purple neon lights from the Hollywood Bowl at both ends of the room.

Like any good bowling establishment, there are interactive screens with details of your games, a range of bowling balls in different sizes for each person and optional equipment like a bowling ramp.

It's been many years since I bowled, so I can't consider myself a competent player or a master of the hobby.

The bowling ramp and balls next to our laneThe bowling ramp and balls next to our lane (Image: Newsquest)

Private - the entrance to one of the private VIP lanesPrivate – the entrance to one of the private VIP lanes (Image: Newsquest)

Eventually, after a few failures where my poor attempts all went straight into the water, I started bowling again, with the occasional strike.

Sadly, my opponent in both of my matches still beat me overall, but that didn't bother me in the least, it was just great fun to be involved in.

For a party of two, with two games and a special promotion at the time where you each get a drink, it costs $28, and I'd say it's worth every penny.

Since there were only two of us in the group, both games were completed in 40 minutes of play, but you would expect a larger group to take much longer.

Options - the different bowling balls you can choose fromOptions – the different bowling balls you can choose from (Image: Newsquest)

Technology - the interactive screen at the end of the second gameTechnology – the interactive screen at the end of the second game (Image: Newsquest)

Normally, tickets for adults, that is, anyone aged 16 or over, cost from €12.45 per person.

Family package tickets are also available, for a family of four, two adults and two children, from €38.76.

Junior single tickets start at €10.95, Senior, registered disabled and accompanying person tickets start at €7.20 and Student tickets start at €21.11.

You can expect tickets on busier days to cost more.

Either way, the Hollywood Bowl Colchester is definitely worth a visit.

To find out more about Hollywood Bowl Colchester, visit




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