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Newport News High School Students Learn Through Filmmaking Program

Newport News High School Students Learn Through Filmmaking Program
Newport News High School Students Learn Through Filmmaking Program


YORKTOWN — The cast and crew take a short break and review the director’s notes. The production assistant opens a window to cool the room. As the crew begins filming, a breeze ruffles actress Andrea Pena’s hair.

“Last looks!” someone shouts. The makeup artist and hairdresser come in and rearrange Andrea’s hair. The window is closed and everyone takes their seats.

“Action!” shouts director Sharyea Phillips.

The setting is a vacant Yorktown home, not a Hollywood movie set. The director, lead actress, production assistant and hair and makeup artist are Newport News high school students. They are making “From The Moon, To Her Sun,” one of 11 short films from three school divisions that will screen at the second Next Generation Storytellers Film Festival in Newport News this fall.

Denbigh High School student Andrea Pena (centre) acts out a scene from
Denbigh High School student Andrea Pena (center) performs a scene from “From The Moon, To Her Sun” on a film set in Yorktown on Friday, June 28, 2024, while members of the Next Generation Storytellers film crew look on.

For many of the participants, this is their first exposure to the television and film industry. The experience was made possible through a partnership between Newport News Public Schools and Next Generation Storytellers, a company founded by television actors Trent Garrett (“Andi Mack,” “New Girl”) and Jacob Young (“The Bold and the Beautiful,” “All My Children”).

Next Generation Storytellers provides educational and technical support to “bring Hollywood” to underserved communities. The program includes a 24-week virtual course in screenwriting and filmmaking and serves as a production company for films selected from students’ projects. About 80 to 100 Newport News students participated this year.

The venture began last year with Hampton City schools. Garrett, a Hampton native, wanted to bring the project to his hometown. He said that even as the project grows (this year, the group is also working with three schools in South Carolina), the festival will always be held in Hampton Roads. This year, it will be held at the Ferguson Center for the Arts at Christopher Newport University.

Katie Sheehan, director of visual and performing arts for Newport News Public Schools, said representatives from the division were invited to last year's festival.

“We were really moved and touched by the impact this project had on the students,” Sheehan said. “It was clear that this experience was unlike anything a classroom could offer.”

Sharyea, 16, got involved after hearing about it from her art teacher. The Woodside student said the best part was seeing her notes come to life during the filming of the movie.

Lilly Goba, 16, wrote the screenplay. Lilly, who recently graduated from Warwick, has written poetry and novels. But she enjoyed learning how to write screenplays, to “show, not tell.”

“It’s a dream I didn’t know I had.”

Andrea, 17, was cast in the lead role in the film. She said she had always wanted to be an actress but had never had the opportunity (Denbigh High School does not have a drama department). Then she saw an advert for auditions for the project. During filming, she received coaching and support from the storytelling team. Between takes, Garrett would sometimes step in to give advice. Other students received similar support.

Garrett said his team works at a fraction of its usual rates because they believe in the school’s mission: to provide opportunities to students who need them most. He said the course was created with input from Hampton City Schools staff, who helped translate his team’s expertise into an educational program now taught across the country.

Participating students will be flown to the festival. Next Generation also recently launched a partnership with Boys Town, a Nebraska-based organization that offers programs including a residential treatment center for youth with behavioral health issues or mental illness.

Nour Habib, [email protected]




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