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Mike Heslin, Actor of TV Series Special Ops: Lioness, Dies at 30

Mike Heslin, Actor of TV Series Special Ops: Lioness, Dies at 30
Mike Heslin, Actor of TV Series Special Ops: Lioness, Dies at 30


Mike Heslin, known for his role in Taylor Sheridan's action drama Special Ops: Lioness, died Tuesday after suffering an unexpected heart attack, according to his husband. Heslin was 30.

The actors' deaths were shared on Instagram by her husband Scotty Dynamo (also known as Nicolas Wilson), who wrote: On July 2nd, my husband, best friend and soulmate @mikeheslin passed away from an unexpected heart attack after a week-long battle in the hospital. Michael was young, perfectly healthy, and doctors have no explanation for what happened.

Michael was brilliant, selfless, talented and a true guardian angel. He single-handedly helped me through several phases of cancer. He was the first person everyone called to share good news and the perfect person to call if you needed a shoulder to lean on or the best advice. He was truly the kindest, most caring and loving man on the planet and brought out the best in everyone he met. He moved through life with such ease and confidence and transformed everyone around him into a better version of themselves. No matter how tough things got, we knew there was nothing we could overcome with Mike by our side.

Michael, meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my world. You are my everything. When I felt you take your last breath, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. If I had the power to trade places with you, I would do it instantly. But I will take things one day at a time, like you always told me, and I will live each day in your honor, Dynamo continued.

Just a week ago, we were about to start a family and we regularly shared our favorite names for our future children. You always told me that you felt like you were meant to be a dad, and I couldn't agree more. You would be the most perfect father in the world. If I ever become a dad, I will name my son after you and hope that I can raise him to be at least half the man you are.

You were the most generous and giving person. It gives me comfort to know that through your wish to become a donor, you gave the gift of life to four different families. We are 3 weeks away from your birthday and 4 months away from our first wedding anniversary, but I know you are in a better place and heaven has gained another angel. Michael, in the words of Shania Twain: I will love you forever and ever.

Heslin played Polo in two episodes of Special Ops: Lioness. He has also starred in Younger, The Influencers, and The Holiday Proposal Plan.

In addition to acting in Influencers, Heslin was the creator, writer, and director of the series. In an interview with Film Inquiry, he explained that the project began while he was working in social media between acting jobs.

While there are many incredibly smart and business-savvy influencers out there, I had the opportunity to interact with a few individuals who, while beautiful and kind, didn’t really have any skills, Heslin said. I began to wonder how these individuals would fare if they had to prove themselves in an unfiltered forum, and that’s how the idea for The Influencers was born.

The series also starred her husband as her character's partner, Tyler. Heslin explained that her husband is even more versed in this world than I am, adding, “I'm not in any way criticizing influencers or trying to attract anyone. But I think social media makes it even easier for people to compare themselves to others and can create feelings of inadequacy, especially among our youth.”

The show is simply a reminder to all of us that what you see online is rarely what you get in real life and that we should all be able to laugh at ourselves at the end of the day and not give anything too much power over our lives, he said.

Heslin is survived by her husband.





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