It is important not to overload a film with actors' fees: Riteish Deshmukh | Bollywood

Mumbai: Not charging a film a fee can decide its survival and that of those involved in it, says actor-producer Riteish Deshmukh, stressing that he does not charge a single penny when he appears in a project backed by his banner.

Deshmukh, who is set to make his debut in the series 'Pill', forayed into film production with the 2013 Marathi film Balak-Palak under Mumbai Film Company. He then starred in Lai Bhaari and Ved, two Marathi titles produced by his company.
Asked to comment on the ongoing debate over increasing fees and overheads, the actor-producer told PTI: “I am a producer who chooses me and I don't pay myself, so it's fine… I just think it's important not to overload a film with an actor's fee because the film has to survive. And if the film survives, everyone survives.”
Directed by filmmaker Rajkumar Gupta, Pill depicts the dark reality of the pharmaceutical world of drug manufacturing from the perspective of doctors and whistleblowers.
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala under his banner RSVP Movies, the series will stream on JioCinema Premium from July 12.
Gupta, known for films like Aamir and Raid, said the overall cost of production needs to “come down”.
“The money has to be spent in the right place. That said, there also has to be transparency from the studio or the producer. Often, people don’t want to subscribe to a model because they think there’s no transparency.
“As an industry, we all need to come together to take it to the next level. We need to make films with a budget that works for everyone,” the director said.
Screwvala, known for backing films like Swades, A Wednesday, Udaan and Uri: The Surgical Strike, said he chooses to look on the bright side of things.
“I don’t disagree with everything that everybody says, because when you try to look at the different things that really take the industry to the next level, I think we’re at that critical point. So I’m not looking at the cup half empty, I’m looking at the cup half full. There’s a lot of things that we need to do across the board.
“You can’t just look at one factor because a lot has changed in terms of cost of production… There has been a lot more production in the last four years and a lot more projects have been approved. It’s an ecosystem. When you take the whole ecosystem to the next level, you will always have anomalies,” he added.
'Pill', which is set in north India, will see Deshmukh playing the role of a doctor named Dr Prakash Chauhan.
The actor said he worked closely with a dialect coach to get into character.
“Raj Sir was very clear about how he wanted me to be. My first approach was, ‘Can I have a beard?’ He said, ‘I just look at you with a simple moustache. I don’t want a beard.’ It wasn’t a question of how I wanted to approach it, but how I could probably match the way he looks at the character in terms of appearance, behaviour, body language or way of speaking.
“Actually, he had a particular dialect. So I had a dialect teacher on set every day. I would rehearse my lines to get the diction right. I am so happy that they provided me, as producers and directors, with everything that could help me improve as an actor,” he said.
'Pill' also stars Pavan Malhotra in a pivotal role.
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Sources 2/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/bollywood/important-to-not-burden-any-film-with-actor-s-fees-riteish-deshmukh-101720354533014.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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