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Manisha Koirala talks about sexism and double standards in Bollywood

Manisha Koirala talks about sexism and double standards in Bollywood
Manisha Koirala talks about sexism and double standards in Bollywood


Manisha Koirala, famous for her recent breakout role in the Netflix series Heeramandi, has bravely opened up about the challenges she faced in the film industry in the 90s. In a candid interview with Filmfare, she revealed how she was pressured to hide certain aspects of her personal life, including her drinking and relationships.

In her heyday, Manisha Koirala had to contend with a double standard that prevailed in Bollywood. While male actors were celebrated for their machismo and romantic exploits, actresses were expected to maintain a squeaky clean image. “In those days,” recalls Manisha, “heroes could have multiple girlfriends and be ‘macho’, but actresses had to maintain that image intact. It was a warped value system that I couldn’t reconcile with.”

Also read: The True Story of Heeramandi: Uncovering the Lost Legacy of Tawaif Culture in Lahore

She recounted an incident during the filming of Saudagar, when she was advised to disguise her vodka as Coca-Cola. “I learned this new thing,” she laughed, “but my mother set me straight. She said, ‘If you drink vodka, tell me. Don’t lie about such trivial things.’”

Manisha’s experiences highlight the deep-rooted sexism that permeated the industry at the time. She expressed dismay at the unfair expectations placed on actresses, emphasizing her commitment to professionalism despite her personal life choices. “Just because I have a boyfriend doesn’t mean I can’t excel in my career,” she said. “I live my life on my own terms.”

Her thoughts echo broader debates about gender inequality in Bollywood and beyond. Manisha’s willingness to speak out underscores the need to change the way women are treated in the entertainment industry. “We had very distorted values ​​for actresses,” she concludes, “and that didn’t sit well with me.”

Manisha Koirala's journey from Bollywood icon to gender equality advocate is a powerful reminder of the importance of authenticity and breaking stereotypes in pursuing one's passion.




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