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Kajol applied curd to Aditya Chopra's hair during DDLJ shoot, irritated Karan Johar on Kuch Kuch Hota Hai sets, recalls Himani Shivpuri. Bollywood News

Kajol applied curd to Aditya Chopra's hair during DDLJ shoot, irritated Karan Johar on Kuch Kuch Hota Hai sets, recalls Himani Shivpuri. Bollywood News
Kajol applied curd to Aditya Chopra's hair during DDLJ shoot, irritated Karan Johar on Kuch Kuch Hota Hai sets, recalls Himani Shivpuri. Bollywood News


Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995) is one of the most famous and longest running films in Bollywood history, which is still running at the Maratha Mandir theatre in Mumbai. The film is full of drama, fun and romance. Himani Shivpuri, who plays the role of Kajol's daughter in the film directed by Aditya Chopra, recalls that the atmosphere on the sets was also more or less the same, with Kajol entertaining and shocking everyone with her tomboyish attitude.

In a recent interview with Bollywood Hungama, Himani Shivpuri recalled an incident that happened on the sets of DDLJ that shocked veteran actress Achala Sachdev, who played Kajol's grandmother in the film.

She said, “We used to have a great time on the sets of DDLJ. We had our set at Filmistan. Farida Jalal and I used to share a huge green room. We all used to eat together. The whole time was a party time. I still remember Kajol coming in shorts. She was a tomboy and she would literally jump with a plate of curd and smear it all over Aditya Chopra’s hair. And Achala Sachdev used to say ‘Haaye rabba’ and say ‘Haaye, humarein zamane mein toh Waheeda ji hoti Meena Kumari hoti thi, they barely spoke. They were so composed’. Kajol was truly a tomboy in that sense.”

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In the same interview, the actress recalled Kajol's tomboyish attitude and said, “When we were doing Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Karan would tell Kajol, 'Thank God you are a tomboy in the first half of the film.' Because she never cared if her lipstick came off, unlike other heroines. She would randomly shout, 'Bhook lagi hai, sandwich,' and eat it however she wanted. Mickey Contractor (make-up artist) would pull her hair. He would say, 'What am I going to do when you become a lady?'”

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In another interview with Peeping Moon, Himani had said, “It was a wonderful experience to shoot Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. It was fun to shoot, especially the college portions. Kajol would disturb us so much that Karan would get upset. She was playing a tomboy role and it was her real life. Many times, the scene would be set and she would be busy eating sandwiches.”

While DDLJ released in 1995, the film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai released in 1998. Both the films starred Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan in the lead roles. While DDLJ is considered a timeless classic, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai has also gained a cult following over the years, with the songs from the films still resonating with the youth and being a part of several wedding and annual day playlists.

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