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No, the actor who plays Dustin in Stranger Things is not trans

No, the actor who plays Dustin in Stranger Things is not trans
No, the actor who plays Dustin in Stranger Things is not trans


Gaten Matarazzo arrives on the red carpet and a photo of him as Dustin in Stranger Things

Gaten Matarazzo is not trans and that's not why Strange things“The filming was delayed.

A fake Facebook post shared by a group called The Critical Drinker July 4th claimed that Strange things Actor Gaten Matarazzo is transgender and that is the reason why the filming of season five was delayed, when in fact the delay was caused by the Hollywood writers' strikes in 2023.

The photos shared on Facebook are actually images of Hereditary actress Milly Shapiro, not Gaten Matarazzo.

Matarazzo, 21, has played Dustin Henderson on the Netflix sci-fi horror drama series since its first season in 2016.

Currently, the fifth and final season of the hit series is in production and more than halfway complete.

Netflix reveals reasons for filming delays Stranger Things 5we read in the lying message.

A Facebook post claiming Gaten Matarazzo is trans but including four images of actress Milly Shapiro.
These pictures are not of Gaten Matarazzo, but of actress Milly Shapiro. (Facebook screenshot)

As many know, actress Gaten Matarazzo, who plays Dustin, came out as trans last year. And the writers had to redraw the entire script for Season 5 to incorporate Dustin's transition into the storyline.

It hasn't been revealed yet what that change will be, but Netflix and the writers have said it will be something beautiful and respectful.

It's an easy claim to debunk, as the four images of the individual the post claims to be Matarazzo are clearly a singer and Hereditary actor Shapiro.

However, despite this, a few people in the comments believed the post, although many were quick to point out the article's complete inaccuracy.

It's not him lol, he's not trans. It's the hereditary girl, wrote one commenter.

Another post: Next level troll here.

Others even used this completely false post about Gaten Matarazzo as an excuse to post transphobic rhetoric, with one writing: The fact that you held me there for a few seconds until I looked it up shows me how crazy the world we live in is. This could very well have been true.

What do we know about Strange things Season 5?

With the final season of Strange things More than halfway done, what do we know about the series' final bow?

It's been two years since the last episode, season four, and fans are eager to see the world of The Upside Down back on their screens.

Series co-creator Ross Duffer gave fans a sneak peek at the upcoming season with a photo of the massive cast and crew on set on his Instagram page.

Week 24. Happy to be halfway through the best cast and crew ever, Duffer posted.

In addition to Gaten Matarazzo, show regulars Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Noah Schnapp, Sadie Sink and Caleb McLaughlin are expected to return.

According to Maya Hawke, who plays Robin on the show, fans who want to watch the final season in full may have to take time off work.

Speaking on the Podcrushed PodcastHawke noted that the length of each episode is equivalent to that of a feature film.

Currently there is no release date for Strange things With Season 5 still in production, we may have to wait until next year, or even 2026.




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