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'Anchorman' and 'Bob's Burgers' actor pleads guilty to obstructing police on Jan. 6

'Anchorman' and 'Bob's Burgers' actor pleads guilty to obstructing police on Jan. 6
'Anchorman' and 'Bob's Burgers' actor pleads guilty to obstructing police on Jan. 6


Pictured: (L-R): Jay Johnston, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Steve Agee and Laura Silverman are pictured at the 19th Annual GLAAD Media Awards held at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Phil McCarten/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Images)

Jay Johnston, known for his roles in “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” and “Bob's Burgers,” pleaded guilty Monday to interfering with police during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Johnston, 55, of Los Angeles, pleaded guilty to civil disorder, a felony that carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. His sentencing was set for Oct. 7 by U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols.

Johnston's plea agreement calls for a prison sentence of eight to 14 months, although the judge is not bound by those guidelines. Johnston's attorney, Stanley Woodward, advised him not to comment after the hearing.

Participation on January 6th

Johnston is one of 1,400 people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 riot. Videos show him pushing past police and helping rioters near the Lower West Terrace entrance, using a stolen police shield and waving at other rioters.

Johnston voiced Jimmy Pesto on “Bob's Burgers” and appeared on “Mr. Show with Bob and David.” He also had roles on “Arrested Development” and “Anchorman.”

Evidence from the scene

Court documents show Johnston filmed rioters and helped others hit by chemical agents. He also joined rioters in attacking police at the tunnel entrance.

Johnston was identified by three associates through FBI photos, one of whom shared a text message in which Johnston acknowledged his presence at the Capitol, describing the event as a “disorder” and admitting to being sprayed with pepper spray and pepper spray.

Jay Johnston's guilty plea and upcoming sentencing mark another step in the ongoing legal action against those involved in the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

The Associated Press contributed to this story. It was published in Los Angeles.




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