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Using Emotional AI in Entertainment Is Set to Improve Customer Experience

Using Emotional AI in Entertainment Is Set to Improve Customer Experience
Using Emotional AI in Entertainment Is Set to Improve Customer Experience


The media and entertainment industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, driven by advanced technologies aimed at improving the customer experience.

Previously, viewers had limited control over content. They were tied to fixed schedules set by broadcasters, which meant that missing an episode was tantamount to missing it entirely, unless the broadcaster decided to rebroadcast it due to popular demand.

Today, viewers have the luxury of flexibility, as they are no longer restricted by strict schedules and limited choices. There is now a vast library of content available to suit everyone's preferences, and viewers can access this content wherever they are.

What’s even more exciting is that viewers can now enjoy content tailored to their preferences, based on their viewing habits and genre preferences. All thanks to the remarkable technological advancements in the entertainment industry.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have played a pivotal role in this evolution, providing unparalleled opportunities to deliver personalized and immersive entertainment experiences.

AI is no longer limited to traditional speech and text recognition, but now encompasses emotional AI. This revolutionary technology allows entertainment providers to understand and respond to human emotions expressed through their facial expressions and tone of voice. Imagine a customer service experience that not only understands what you say, but also discerns how you feel.

The potential to improve customer experience in the entertainment industry is immense, and many entertainment companies are now capitalizing on AI to cater to the diverse emotional and cultural preferences of their audiences.

By leveraging emotional AI, entertainment companies can gain a deeper understanding of their viewers’ local emotions, facial expressions, and tone of voice, enabling them to deliver tailored content that resonates more deeply with their audience.

As Africa emerges as the next major global investment market, thanks to its large and young population, AI is set to play a crucial role in this market.

The continent is a melting pot of emotions, languages ​​and cultures that have been neglected or sidelined for many years. Africa's time has now come.

As smartphone usage spreads across the continent, a booming market for entertainment providers is emerging, with streaming of digital and mobile content gaining ground. According to GSMA data, there are more than 450 million smartphones in the hands of Africans, and over 250 million football fans are enthusiastic, according to FIFA.

This highlights the urgent need for robust technology to effectively meet the diverse entertainment needs of this growing population.

With its ability to understand and adapt to local languages, voices and expressions, AI is poised to play a central role in meeting evolving customer demands.

It is encouraging to see the emergence of initiatives such as Afrocentric Natural Language Processing, led by local scientists like Ife Adebara. These projects aim to democratize artificial intelligence technology, make it more accessible to speakers of various African languages, and preserve the continent’s rich linguistic heritage.

Therefore, developing such tools and programs tailored to Africa’s unique linguistic diversity will revolutionize the customer experience and care space, enabling entertainment providers to engage with their audiences in a more meaningful and culturally sensitive way.

As viewer expectations continue to rise, the demand for seamless omnichannel customer service experiences is becoming more pronounced, including a rise in call centers.

This requires entertainment businesses to adapt to this changing landscape by using remote contact center software, enabling them to deliver exceptional customer service across various communication channels, including social media, video calls, and email.

This transition is particularly visible in Africa, where the shift from traditional call centers to modern contact centers reflects a focused effort to adapt to changing customer needs and preferences.

In conclusion, the convergence of AI and customer experience in the entertainment industry signals the dawn of a new era of personalized, culturally resonant and immersive entertainment experiences.

The future of entertainment lies in harnessing the power of AI to create emotionally intelligent, customer-centric experiences that transcend cultural barriers and resonate with diverse audiences around the world.

The author is the Customer Experience and Customer Service Manager at MultiChoice Kenya.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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