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Why Shelley Duvall Disappeared From Hollywood

Why Shelley Duvall Disappeared From Hollywood


There was an air of mystery surrounding Shelley Duvall in the years that followed.

The retired actress died in her sleep at the age of 75 at her home in Blanco, Texas, according to her longtime partner Dan Gilroy.

She is believed to have died from complications related to diabetes.

Duvall starred in some of Hollywood's biggest films of the 1970s and 1980s, including The Shining, Annie Hall and Popeye.

But she seems to have ended her career in 2002.

For the past two decades, she had chosen to reside in a quiet Texas town, resolutely out of the spotlight.

Rumors about his mental health have fueled speculation about his apparent disappearance over the years, as internet sleuths have attempted to identify the cause of his retirement.

The Shining Myth

A common myth is that she suffers from residual trauma from working with Stanley Kubrick on The Shining.

The film took 56 weeks to complete, largely due to Kubrick's perfectionist process, which would often require dozens of reshoots.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, The film holds the record for the most retakes of a scene with dialogue, at 148.

When asked about her time on set in the rare interviews she agreed to later in life, Duvall seemed to recall the experience with some fondness.

“[Kubrick] “He was very warm and friendly to me,” she said. told The Hollywood Reporter in 2021.

“He spent a lot of time with Jack [Nicholson] and me.

“He just wanted to sit and chat for hours while the crew waited.”

But she admitted the multiple retakes were grueling.

“After a while, your body rebels. It says, ‘Stop doing this to me. I don’t want to cry every day.’”

Shelley Duvall's Razzies

Duvall performed dozens of covers while working on The Shining.(Supplied by: Warner Bros.)

In reality, Duvall's reasons for moving to Texas may have been more prosaic.

Family, Finances and Earthquake

People reported in 2023 She packed her bags for Los Angeles when one of her brothers was diagnosed with spinal cancer.

“It’s the longest sabbatical I’ve ever taken, but it was for really important reasons to reconnect with my family,” she said in an interview with the publication.

The actress also admitted to having financial difficulties at the time of her move, which motivated her to travel to Houston to seek help from her mother.

“We weren't really paid that much, just salary plus 10 percent,” she told People.

“They thought women would just get married and their husbands would support them.

“But it doesn't happen to everyone.”

Shelley Duvall, Sissy Spacek and Robert Altman sit at a table laughing.

Shelley Duvall, pictured with her 3 Women co-star Sissy Spacek and director Robert Altman.(AP)

In his interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Duvall suggested that the fallout from the Northridge earthquake of January 17, 1994, was the final straw for his life in Los Angeles.

“They wear you out, man,” she said. “People.”

“Then it's like FEMA, then the guys next door, then the guys next door.

“Engineers one day, insurers the next. Sometimes at the same time”

Duvall eventually made his way to Austin, Texas later that year after playing a small role in The Underneath.

She never left the state again and disappeared from the limelight.

Life after the big screen

Reporters who spoke to Duvall in Bianco, the town where she lived, noted that her life seemed light years away from the one she led in Los Angeles.

Duvall was often confined to the driver's seat of her white SUV due to mobility issues.

From her perch, the retired actress spent her days chatting with other townspeople, hitting up drive-ins and visiting local nature spots.

His figure was no longer that of a frail boy, his hair was thinning and graying, and his unmistakable voice had become hoarse from smoking.

Although she put her acting career behind her, Duvall seemed proud of her work and readily shared details of her time in Hollywood.




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