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Engaging UBC Okanagan students and Hollywood audiences

Engaging UBC Okanagan students and Hollywood audiences
Engaging UBC Okanagan students and Hollywood audiences


Arts and Humanities, Campus Life, Faculty Profile, People, Research, Teaching and Learning
Dr. Christine Schreyer bridges academia and the entertainment world with her expertise in language and culture

July 19, 2024


Christine Schreyer

Associate Professor

Program Coordinator, Anthropology

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Okanagan (Kelowna, BC)

PhD, University of Alberta

Master of Arts, University of Western Ontario

Bachelor of Arts, University of Winnipeg

St. Andrews, Manitoba

I hope my students will find a new passion for language, a new understanding of how language changes our view of the world, and the importance of language and identity.

Dr. Christine Schreyer can determine the exact timing That’s when she knew she wanted to be an anthropologist. It was during a Grade 6 social studies class focused on Indigenous peoples in Canada that her interest in other cultures and languages ​​was sparked and she first learned the word anthropologist.

This pivotal opportunity inspired Dr. Schreyer to pursue her passion for languages ​​by taking French and Spanish in high school. She then learned Latin and Cree in university and eventually found her calling in the field of linguistic anthropology.

“I would describe myself as a language nerd. I’m very passionate about languages. I hope my students see that passion in my teaching, but also understand how my research relates to it,” says Dr. Schreyer, an associate professor of anthropology at UBC Okanagans. Department of Community, Cultural and Global Studies.

In addition to teaching courses in linguistic anthropology, she also supervises undergraduate and graduate students in research projects related to language revitalization, language documentation, and language teaching, with an emphasis on Indigenous education.

Take for example my work with the Splatsin First Nation in Enderby. Every time I have taught a course on language revitalization, my classes have completed projects with that community, such as a phrasebook in Secwpemc that can be given to community members.

Dr. Schreyer also supervises students interested in constructed languages ​​and has gained a student following for his research with the Navi speech community from the film AvatarShe created a number of languages ​​used in Hollywood films, including the Kryptonian language in Steel manthe eltarian language in Power Rangers: The Moviethe Beama/Cro-Magnon language in Alphathe atlantean language in Zack Snyder's Justice Leagueand several languages ​​in Rebel Moon 1 and 2 And The Spiderwick Chronicles.

I'm a bit famous in certain circles, Dr. Schreyer admits shyly.

In the classroom, she implements a combination of effective strategies to meet the needs and interests of her students, such as flexible deadlines and multiple access, where students can participate in person or online so that everyone can join her classes. Each of her classes is discussion-based.

Although her classes are lecture-style, she places great importance on her students' input, says Agata Beau Ramos, one of Dr. Schreyer's Bachelor of Arts students.

She regularly gives us the opportunity to give our opinions or ask our questions. The safe learning environment she creates is very motivating and allows for more intimate connections between students.

Dr. Schreyer is a very gifted teacher. She nurtures students' enthusiasm for course topics by encouraging them to explore their own interests as much as possible and by providing opportunities for them to apply their learning in creative and practical ways.

To supplement and enrich her courses, Dr. Schreyer uses Padlets (visual boards to organize and share content), online journals, TED Talks, podcasts, spoken word performances, and various social media platforms. She also offers unique assignments like editing Wikipedia articles to add peer-reviewed academic citations. Her courses have had a significant impact on the platform, adding hundreds of references to enhance its credibility.

Dr. Schreyer is a gifted teacher. She nurtures students’ enthusiasm for course topics by encouraging them to explore their own interests whenever possible and providing opportunities for them to apply their learning in creative and practical ways, says PhD student Emily Comeau.

In recognition of his contributions to teaching and learning, Dr. Schreyer received the award Killam Teaching Prize 2024.

Recently appointed director of the Community Engagement Research InstituteDr. Schreyer will spend her near future focusing on her research while mentoring graduate students, faculty, and community partners to conduct good community-based research.

It will be interesting to see how this different type of teaching and mentoring works and how I can apply it to my classes. I think it will make for great partnerships for how I approach my teaching.




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