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Northwell Health launches TV and film studio to create documentaries

Northwell Health launches TV and film studio to create documentaries


Northwell Health, New York's largest health system, is betting that the entertainment industry can boost its bottom line and, in the process, increase health awareness.

Northwell announces the launch of Northwell Studios, a new production company developing scripted and unscripted film and television content that will leverage its facilities, physicians and patients (with their consent, of course).

Hospitals and healthcare have long been a topic of interest to documentary filmmakers, and Northwell has taken notice. One South: Portrait of a psychiatric unitdebuted last month and was filmed at Northwell's Zucker Hillside Hospital in Queens; Netflix Lenox Hill follows doctors and nurses working at the famed Upper East Side hospital Northwell; and the 2021 COVID-19 documentary First wave was filmed at several Northwell facilities.

“Storytelling in film and television is a powerful way to spark much-needed dialogue about critical issues facing society. At Northwell Health, with our previous documentaries and series, we have tackled issues such as gun violence, mental health and the global impact of war. To make a difference on a national scale, we must broaden and focus our efforts,” said Ramon Soto, president of Northwell Studios and chief marketing and communications officer for the health system. “Today, with Northwell Studios, we are building a bridge to filmmakers and distributors, going beyond traditional marketing to amplify our storytelling capabilities. This dedicated studio will allow us to better foster creative partnerships and establish Northwell Health as a leading voice on the issues that matter most: our health and well-being.”

Northwell Studios has signed a development deal with production company CreativeChaos and already has five projects in the works. Northwell says it will continue to work with filmmakers, writers, and other creatives by providing them with access, and will work with distribution partners (like Netflix and HBO) to ensure broad access to its projects.

“As New York’s largest healthcare provider, Northwell has a responsibility to lead not only in treating patients in our communities, but also in addressing critical social issues that impact our collective well-being,” said Michael Dowling, Northwell’s president and CEO. “Just as we have done with gun violence, mental health and other pressing challenges, Northwell Studios will harness the power of storytelling to change the conversation, spark dialogue and inspire action on a global scale.”

Northwell Studios is the latest example of an established company leveraging its access to gain a foothold in the entertainment world. This is probably most evident in the world of sports, where leagues like the NFL, MLB and Formula 1 combine their own in-house studios with outside production companies to provide behind-the-scenes access to their star athletes.

A hospital system isn't a sports league, and doctors and nurses aren't household names like many professional athletes (getting consent from healthcare patients is also much more complicated), but access can yield equally compelling stories, which is why such behind-the-scenes documentaries have become commonplace on streaming services and television.




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