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Javed Akhtar criticises Yash Chopra's film Jab Tak Hai Jaan, saying they don't know the meaning of modern woman | Bollywood News

Javed Akhtar criticises Yash Chopra's film Jab Tak Hai Jaan, saying they don't know the meaning of modern woman | Bollywood News


Javed Akhtar, known for writing iconic films like Sholay and Mr India, recently took a dig at a dialogue used in Yash Chopra's latest film Jab Tak Hai Jaan. In a recent interview, the lyricist-writer was asked about the concept of a modern woman and the lack of strong female characters in films. To answer the question, the veteran writer took examples from films and dialogues and blamed society for not being clear with the concept, which has resulted in talented actresses like Sridevi and Madhuri Dixit never getting larger-than-life roles to play.

In an interview with We Are Yuvaa, Akhtar said, “When you are not the person you claim to be, you tend to exaggerate. There was a Yash Chopra film, Jab Tak Hai Jaan, which had two heroines. One of them had a dialogue where she said, ‘I will get married only after sleeping with men from all nationalities of the world.’ What I mean is, ‘Why are you trying so hard?’ You are self-reliant, modern, forward-looking, I accept that. You don’t have to work so hard. There are too many countries in the world. Don’t waste your time on that. What do you mean by that dialogue? And it’s a Yash Chopra film. Because they want to pretend to be an empowered girl and they don’t really know what an empowered girl is, so they exaggerate.”

He added, “There is debris there. The old structure has fallen. The Indian women who sacrificed for themselves and whose husbands would come home drunk from the bar, fall on the bed and take off their shoes. It is gone. But what is a modern woman? I think people are not clear about it. The society itself is not clear about it. The talented Sridevi and Madhuri Dixit ruled for almost 10-12 years. In their entire career, they never got the role of a larger-than-life woman. However, Meena Kumari got it. But Meena Kumari got it because the morality of the time was clear. Nutan also got larger-than-life roles in Bandini and Sujata where she was a victim.”

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Javed Akhtar then claimed that because they (the film industry) do not clearly know what a modern woman is, they cannot offer a single role to talented actresses like Sridevi and Madhuri Dixit.

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“Conservatives think that if they define the modern woman, they will lose a lot of ground. Liberals are afraid that if they define it, someone else will surpass me. The problem is that it is still unclear. However, the female characters in Zoya’s films are women of today. Be it Luck By Chance, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara or Dil Dhadakne Do, they are all modern women,” concludes Javed.

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