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Has Chrishell Stause had cosmetic surgery?


Many fans have noticed drastic changes in her appearance over time. However, Selling Sunset’s Chrishell Stause has always looked great.

Chrishelle Stause fromSell ​​Sunsethas worked in the entertainment industry for over a decade and his fandom has observed changes in his appearance over time. Although the actress is quite open about her breast implants, fans want to know if she has had any other cosmetic treatments.

The old one Days of our lives The actress has been going through a very difficult time lately. However, most Sell ​​Sunset viewers agree that the way she performs in the final three episodes of season 3 is truly commendable. She is heartbroken, but is still trying to understand another person’s point of view. However, her ex-husband doesn’t like what she said on the show. A source close to his ex, Justin Hartley, revealed he was “irritated” with the way her ex-partner goes public with their personal affairs. Chrishell claims Justin Hartley changed after receiving popularity for his show, It’s us. Justin’s source denied the allegations and said: “Chrishell knows that is not what happened, so for her, letting people believe that this upsets her.” While many fans believe she was blind, others believe there is always another side to a story. Besides the changes in her personal life, she has also experienced drastic changes in her physical appearance.

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Related: Selling Sunset Season 2: Did Heather Rae Young Have Plastic Surgery?

In the final season, fans noticed that she was quite different from her. The young and the restless days. For example, her lips look a bit fuller. She is almost 40 years old, but her skin is as young and luminous as it can be. Mirror reports that apart from surgical breast enlargement, the reality TV star could have received treatments for her lips. After comparing past images of Chrishell, the surgeon said: “I believe Chrishell may have undergone the non-surgical treatment of her lip fillers as she appears to have fuller lips compared to previous pictures, especially when smiling. The supplier ensured that the lips de Chrishell always look natural and proportionate to her facial features. “ This procedure can cost between $ 261 and $ 1,300 per treatment. However, the cost also depends on the supplier and how much infill one wishes to obtain. Check picture she recently posted for her Chrishell Stause Instagram account:

The surgeon also suggests that Chrishell got “Anti-wrinkle injections, often called Botox, on his forehead and around his eyes (crow’s feet). This non-surgical treatment will create a smooth forehead and limit expression lines and frowns.”

Other Sell ​​Sunset The stars have also been quite open about the breast enlargement surgeries they have had. Christine Quinn admitted that she had had breast augmentation! Although she hasn’t said anything about her lips, many fans believe she is filling her lips. Previously, Heather Rae Young was also in the gaze of fans when she posted a photo that showed her very pouty lips.

Next: Selling Sunset Season 3: Chrishell Wanted To Be A Mom, But Says Justin Hartley Wanted To Wait

Sell ​​SunsetSeason 3 is available to watch on Netflix.

Source:Mirror, Chrishell Stause

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