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Kylie Jenner advises fans on coronavirus after general surgeon asks for help The Sun



KYLIE Jenner urged her fans to stay home to stop the spread of the coronavirus after the Surgeon General begged influencers like Kylie and Kevin Durant for help.

Dr. Jerome Adams’ plea came COVID-19 In the United States, cases continue to escalate, with authorities urging anyone who can stay at home to help limit the spread of the pandemic.

    Kylie Jenner Gives Coronavirus Advice To Fans After General Surgeon Begs To Help


Kylie Jenner Gives Coronavirus Advice To Fans After General Surgeon Begs To Help

He noted that his own children, aged 14 and 15, want to do things more than they are told not to, and that young people are still going out despite the authorities’ desperate calls to stay at home and stop the spread of the virus.“What I really think we need to do … is get the influencers out, Kevin Durant, Donovan Mitchell,” said Adams Hello america yesterday.

“We have to get Kylie Jenner, we have to get our influencers known on social media and help people understand that look: it’s serious.

“It is absolutely serious. People are dying,” he added.

    The influencer urged other Instagram stars to speak out


The influencer urged other Instagram stars to speak out

The 22-year-old star Keeping Up With The Kardashians answered his call and went to Instagram last night.

She said, “Hey guys. Good self-quarantine! I know I already do my daily reminders of the importance of social distancing and self-quarantine.

“I’m going on my ninth day. The coronavirus is a real thing.

“I listened to the general surgeon this morning and although I already do my daily reminders, he definitely encouraged me to come here and talk to you so that you can see and hear me.

    Surgeon General Jerome Adams Begged Social Media Influencers To Urge People To Stay At Home


Surgeon General Jerome Adams Begged Social Media Influencers To Urge People To Stay At HomeCredit: AP: Associated Press

Kylie pointed out that young people can spread the virus without showing the signs themselves.

She said, “If you live with your parents, you don’t want to go home and make your parents sick.

“You could have it and even not know and infect other people. It is serious, and the only way that would slow it down is to do it because there is no cure yet.

No one escapes it. Millennials are not immune to this. New evidence actually shows that a significant percentage in the hospital right now are young adults. “

    Youth, including students, said they would continue to party even if they caught the coronavirus


Youth, including students, said they would continue to party even if they caught the coronavirusCredit: AP: Associated Press

His plea for influencer Jenner and NBA stars Durant and Mitchell who both tested positive for COVID-19 came as the United States has confirmed more than 9,400 cases in the United States with 150 deaths.

Although older adults and those with underlying health conditions are those who appear most at risk of serious illness if they get COVID-19, health officials have warned that younger people may not have only mild symptoms. symptoms or be asymptomatic if they contract the virus.

Although they themselves are not seriously ill, people can be “silent carriers”, who can pass the disease to another high-risk person if they become sick with the virus, according to the CDC.

“But think of your grandmother. Think of your grandfather,” Adams insisted.

“Think about the fact that you are spreading an illness that could be what ultimately kills them.”

While many states have laws closing schools and limiting the number of people who can gather in one place, no federal regulations have been made.


    Many young people have gone on spring vacations to places like Florida, despite warnings about social distance and stopping the spread of COVID-19


Many young people have gone on spring vacations to places like Florida, despite warnings about social distance and stopping the spread of COVID-19Credit: Rex Features
    Younger people can often be asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms of the virus


Younger people can often be asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms of the virusCredit: Rex Features

“In America, a large part of our authority, most of our authority is at the state level,” said Adams on GMA.

“And you have seen some states being really aggressive, you have seen other states less aggressive.”

In Florida, young college students are still on a school break.

They said that even if they got a coronavirus, it wouldn’t stop them from partying.

“If we all do this across the country, we can have our trajectory like China. Which makes it last night, good news, has not reported any new domestic cases,” he added.

“China is reassuring. China is showing us that if we do this, in six to eight weeks, we will reach our peak and start to descend,” said Adams.

He also said on Good Morning America that The 15-day lock is not enough to stop the spread of the virus.

Adams urged the youngest to stay home and take precautions as weeks of isolation may be needed to stop the spread of the pandemic.

“We need people to understand now that the two best things you can do to protect yourself and your community are good hygiene – hand washing – and social distancing.

“Stay away from the beaches.

“We have over 300 million people in this country and little – little things that you add to big changes over time,” he added.

Adams said that if everyone behaved like him or the people he interacted with were sick, it could help stop the spread of the virus.

    It is absolutely serious. People are dying, said Adams


It is absolutely serious. People are dying, said AdamsCredit: AP: Associated Press
    Although limits on the number of people who can gather in one place have been put in place, this has not prevented many young people from hanging out in groups


Although limits on the number of people who can gather in one place have been put in place, this has not prevented many young people from hanging out in groupsCredit: Rex Features
    Jenner has already urged supporters once this week to stay home and quarantine


Jenner has already urged supporters once this week to stay home and quarantineCredit: Instagram

“Whenever you interact with someone else, just imagine that you have the virus and act as if you want to protect it, or as if it has the virus and you want to keep yourself from getting it,” a insisted the Surgeon General.

Kylie Jenner already urged her supporters to stay home and quarantine on Tuesday.

“I hope everyone feels good! It’s so important right now to quarantine ourselves to make sure that we don’t put ourselves in danger or anyone who can’t handle this virus,” Jenner tweeted.

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