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Bollywood happy that Nirbhaya finally gets justice


Bollywood happy that Nirbhaya finally gets justice

Mumbai, March 20 (IANS) Bollywood celebrities have gone to social media to greet the hanging of Nirbhaya rapists and also support his parents.

Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta, Vinay Sharma and Mukesh Singh – the four convicted in the Nirbhaya gangrape and murder case in 2012 – were hanged at 5:30 a.m. in Tihar prison in Delhi on Friday. While Bollywood is happy, many believed that justice should have been done long before in this case.

“Nirbhaya Justice.” Jaisi karni waisi bharni “Let this set an example not only in India but around the world. The punishment for rape is death. You have to respect femininity. Shame on those who delayed execution. Jai Hind!” Rishi Kapoor tweeted.

“It’s done. Finally. I hope that parents can finally sleep a little better tonight after YEARS. The battle has been long for them. Asha Devi,” Taapsee Pannu tweeted.

Riteish Deshmukh tweeted: “#JusticeForNirbhaya My thoughts and prayers go out to Nirbhaya’s parents, friends and relatives. The wait has been long but justice has been done.”

“Good riddance. The planet is less than 4 monsters. 8 long years, parents have been waiting for justice. It is high time to demand fast justice. We have finally put Nirbhaya to rest,” wrote Raveena Tandon on Twitter.

“If the #Nirbhaya rapists were hanged in 2012, the justice system would have ended so many crimes against women. Fear of the law would have kept lawless people in check. Prevention is better than cure. It is time let the Indian government take. steps for judicial reform. #RIPNirbhaya, “said Preity Zinta in his Twitter account.

Sushmita Sen tweeted: “A mother’s resilience. Asha Devi sees it through !! Finally some justice !! #Nirbhaya Dugga Dugga”

Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar tweeted: “Finally, justice has been done for #Nirbhaya, I pray for mental peace if necessary for her parents now. #JusticeForNirbhaya #nirbhayagetsjustice”

Writer-director Milap Zaveri tweeted: “Finally. Justice has been done. RIP #Jyoti #Nirbhaya Sorry for what happened to you and sorry for the delay in justice.”

Aftab Shivdasani tweeted: “Pray that you will rest in peace #Nirbhaya .. it has taken 7 years but determination and courage have not died with you. The demons have been punished. May you now rest in peace. Congratulations to your family. #NirbhayaJustice. “

Lyricist Manoj Muntashir tweeted in Hindi: “Today, these four names have been removed from India’s population register, which were incorrectly written as” male “instead of” animal “. Congratulations #Nirbhaya #NirbhayaCase

“Deferred justice is not justice denied. I woke up to the wonderful news of the #NirbhayaCase convicts who are finally executed. It is a victory for Nirbhaya’s parents and all the Indians who fought in their own way to do justice to Nirbhaya, “Isha Koppikar tweeted.


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Warning :- This story has not been edited by Outlook staff and is automatically generated from news agency feeds. Source: IANS

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