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Ellen DeGeneres Offers Social Media Fans Light Entertainment While FaceTimes Kevin Hart


His eponymous daytime talk show went from filming without audience to complete stop amid fears of coronaviruses.

Ellen DeGeneres did not let this stop prevent her from entertaining her 85.6 million followers on Instagram.

The 62-year-old actress shared a video on Instagram of herself having a hilarious catch-up call with her friend Kevin Hart on Thursday.

Isolate: Ellen DeGeneres, 62, entertained her 85.6 million Instagram followers on Thursday when she filmed a FaceTime conversation she had with fellow comedian Kevin Hart

Isolate: Ellen DeGeneres, 62, entertained her 85.6 million Instagram followers on Thursday when she filmed a FaceTime conversation she had with fellow comedian Kevin Hart

Ellen didn’t try to be a bit of a conversationalist, instead of asking Kevin what he was doing to stay busy while trying to isolate himself from society.

First, he had to introduce his children as they roamed the living room, including his daughter Heaven, 15, his son Hendrix, 12, and his two-year-old son Kenzo.

He also highlighted his wife Eniko Parrish, 35, while Ellen revealed that his wife Portia de Rossi, 47, was filming the entire conversation.

To be honest: Ellen didn't try to be a bit of a conversationalist, but rather asked Kevin what he did to stay busy while trying to isolate himself from society.

To be honest: Ellen didn’t try to be a bit of a conversationalist, but rather asked Kevin what he did to stay busy while trying to isolate himself from society.

Ellen revealed to Kevin that his wife Portia de Rossi was on the side filming their FaceTime conversation

Ellen revealed to Kevin that his wife Portia de Rossi was on the side filming their FaceTime conversation

Kevin seemed to be relaxing while his children were home schooled.

My son continues to lie to me, telling me that he is on a break when I don’t know, he joked.

Kevin laughed at Ellen when he said he was the last powerful member of his family.

He said he was watching some TV that I want to watch because my son is in charge of the household. So I stand pretty much in the middle of the living room and I do nothing.

Man of the house: Kevin relaxed while his children were schooling at home. He joked that he was only allowed to watch TV while his son was busy because my son runs the household

Man of the house: Kevin relaxed while his children were schooling at home. He joked that he was only allowed to watch TV while his son was busy because my son runs the household

Kevin also told Ellen that he was shopping for equipment in front of his family at home after he came back up.

I work on my device here in the house, he revealed, before adding, I bombed a lot. Nobodys laughed, which made his comedian laugh.

The Jumanji star also highlighted one of the sacrifices he had to make because of the coronavirus: hair dye.

I am getting gray. You know why? My barbers are not working, he complained.

Kill: Kevin said he was working on his stand-up routine at home. I bombed a lot. Laughing nobodys, he joked

Kill: Kevin said he was working on his stand-up routine at home. I bombed a lot. Laughing nobodys, he joked

Everyone is going gray, said Ellen, although she said she hadn’t seen gray hair on the FaceTime screen.

What are you talking about? I look like Morgan Freemans’ nephew! he retaliated.

Kevin also said he was following the recommendations by making sure there were fewer than 10 people in his house, although he seemed a little confused when trying to count his children and others at home .

It’s good that you’re starting to count family members right now, joked Ellen

A touch of gray: the Jumanji star complained that her hair turned gray without a hairdresser, although Ellen could not see it. What are you talking about? I look like Morgan Freemans' nephew! he retaliated

A touch of gray: the Jumanji star complained that her hair turned gray without a hairdresser, although Ellen could not see it. What are you talking about? I look like Morgan Freemans’ nephew! he retaliated

The need to stay at home seems to hit Ellen hard enough, as she called her famous friends in recent days to attend.

On Wednesday, she shared calls with Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, as well as John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, and she also participated in a call with comedian Tiffany Haddish earlier on Thursday.

The Mr. Wrong star also got some advice on a trick from the magician David Blaine, although he struggled to master his technique.

Famous friends: Ellen has faced several celebrities to stay healthy while staying at home because of the coronavirus. Wednesday, she spoke with Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

Famous friends: Ellen has faced several celebrities to stay healthy while staying at home because of the coronavirus. Wednesday, she spoke with Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

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