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5 WWE Stars Who Need To Win The Most At SummerSlam 2020 | Launderer report


0 out of 5


    We are just days away from the biggest party of the summer.

    With the addition of the “Thunderdome, “WWE fans might see a show filled with the spectacle and flair they are used to. SummerSlam will be the second WWE event since March to take place outside of the Performance Center, the first being SmackDown on Friday.

    However, it still doesn’t seem like a la carte Big Four week. While the Amway Center adds some grandeur, this year’s card doesn’t have the same star power and the storylines aren’t as appealing.

    In fact, the construction of Sunday’s show was a bit of a drag.The event generally acts as a mid-season finale that escalates any lingering stories from WrestleMania. There are hints, but nothing seems so important at the moment. Partly that’s because of the state of the world outside of wrestling, but it’s also because WWE has failed to convince viewers to invest in many of its stars.

    A good performance this weekend could be the boost some of them need for the second half of 2020. So let’s take a look at five WWE stars who could most benefit from a victory at SummerSlam.

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    In April, WWE finally pulled the trigger and separated Fire & Desire. At WrestleMania 36, Mandy Rose rejected Sonya Deville, who conspired to ruin her friend’s budding romance with Otis.

    On the May 8 episode of SmackDown, Deville came back and cut a scathing promo on his partner to ignite their quarrel. The Pride Fighter defeated Rose in a match the following week. However, she is still determined to ruin the life of her former boyfriend.

    Deville has claimed both wins in this feud so far, as she and Dolph Ziggler beat Otis and Rose in a mixed match on May 22. Subsequently, the two women left WWE programming for a few weeks. But onthe July 31 edition of SmackDown, Deville attacked her rival from behind and cut some of her hair, setting the table for Sunday’s Hair vs Hair game.

    Since their split, Deville has been the breakout star by far. That’s why Rose has to beat her this weekend and ensure her a moment to remember.

    The Golden Goddess is in desperate need of something separate from Otis and Deville to justify this breakup. Specifically, she must prove that she can win without her ex-teammate.

    Deville’s future looks brighter, but that’s why she may take a defeat now. Additionally, heels rarely win Hair vs Hair matches. This is a great opportunity for the heel to gain comeuppance and introduce a new, more edgy look into the process.

    A win over Deville could give Rose a SummerSlam moment that will cement her as a singles contender and hopefully end this four-month feud.

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    WWE Women’s Champion SmackDown has the odds on her side for SummerSlam. Bayley will face an opponent in Asuka that she has never beaten one-on-one.

    The Empress of Tomorrow pinned her on Raw last week to win a rematch against Sasha Banks for the Raw title that she never really lost. A few days later, she also won the Triple Brand Battle Royal to claim a second championship shot this weekend.

    It’s a lazy reservation, and WWE should have taken this opportunity to highlight another woman on the roster. In any case, Bayley should be the one to remember.

    Surprisingly, The Role Model is a better heel yet. She’s been the champion for over 300 days as well, so she should always be the one to beat when coming out of The Biggest Party of the Summer.

    Banks has been on a roll since she and Bayley won the women’s titles in June. The SmackDown defending champion has suffered a few losses, and her reign has been a little pedestrian on paper. She hasn’t beaten so many notable challengers outside of Charlotte Flair and Naomi.

    A victory over Asuka would give her bragging rights and make her eventual loss more monumental. It would also add more tension to his friendship with The Legit Boss. Their inevitable breakup will no doubt lead to a SmackDown Women’s Championship game.

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    WWE hasn’t made tag team wrestling a staple of their lineup. In fact, All Elite Wrestling has revealed how badly its rival uses the wealth of talented couples it has.

    That said, Andrade and Angel Garza are expected to defeat The Street Profits at SummerSlam and win the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships.

    Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford are the established squad, so theoretically they should be a priority. However, Andrade and Garza are currently without management as a team.

    They are both extremely gifted competitors in the ring and individually entertaining characters. Zelina Vega is also the best manager in the company at the moment. They need something to become a unit again.

    A victory on Sunday would fortify the duo and give the rest of the division a formidable obstacle to overcome. If nothing else, Andrade and Garza can deliver great games with the other tag teams, and Vega will make sure their heel work remains top notch.

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    Apollo Crews was one of the few new faces WWE has managed to raise during the coronavirus pandemic. He always had the tools to be successful, but the company never gave him any interesting material to squeeze into.

    In May, however, he finally won his first singles title by beating Andrade for the United States Championship. It has a new musical theme and it also has better promotions.

    Crews tends to rise, but he could use a win this weekend after losing two untitled matches.

    He randomly lost to Shelton Benjamin on the episode of Raw on August 10. Last week Bobby Lashley hit him with a spear to win their playoff six game.

    To be fair, Crews had to face off against the three members of The Hurt Business before The All Mighty pinned him, but he needs to retain his title at SummerSlam to restore momentum.

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    The Fiend made their in-ring debut at SummerSlam 2019 in a dramatic fashion. WWE couldn’t have handled this better. His entry was amazing and he looked like a legitimate threat at the end of the game.

    Bray Wyatt is still one of the more complex and captivating characters on the list. No one else in the business can tell a story on the mic or get fans to buy grand concepts like him. Yet WWE always seems to cut their legs from under him when he looks set for a crucial victory.

    That was the crux of his conflict with John Cena in the extravagant yet highly entertaining Firefly Fun House match at WrestleMania 36. He also dropped the Universal Championship to Goldberg at Super ShowDown in February.

    The last thing WWE should want to do is reduce Wyatt to a heel that again rejects unnecessary threats. The introduction of The Fiend had finally overcome this stigma.

    If Wyatt wins the title again against Braun Strowman, the company will have the same problem they had with their first reign: who can beat someone who looks indestructible?

    On the flip side, it gives WWE the chance to hit the challenger who is playing the lead role, something SmackDown lacks without Roman Reigns.

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