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Bollywood News – Brazilian Vice President challenges Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio to… – 247newsonline


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Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourao challenged actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio on Wednesday to an eight-hour hike in the Amazon, saying he wanted to show the Hollywood star that the rainforest wasn’t actually burning.

Mourao, who heads President Jair Bolsonaro’s task force on tackling deforestation, took issue with DiCaprio reposting an Instagram video of The Guardianlog with images of the world’s largest rainforest in flames.

“I would like to invite our most recent critic, actor Leonardo DiCaprio, to come with me to Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira (in northern Brazil) and walk eight hours in the jungle,” Mourao said at an event on sustainable development in the Amazon organized by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI).

“He will better understand how things work in this huge region.”

DiCaprio, an outspoken environmentalist, shared The gardianspost on his own Instagram account on Friday.

The attached caption cited satellite data from the Brazilian space agency, INPE, showing that the number of fires in the Brazilian Amazon in July increased 28% year-on-year, with the first figures for August also showing an increase.

“Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is under international pressure to curb the fires, but he has publicly doubted their severity in the past, saying opponents and indigenous communities were responsible,” the message read.

Bolsonaro has faced international condemnation for presiding over increasing deforestation and massive fires in the Amazon last year.

The far-right leader played down the problem, saying last week that “this story that the Amazon is burning is a lie.”

But he is also keen to avoid a repeat of last year’s international outcry.

In July, he decreed a 120-day ban on farm fires used by farmers and ranchers to clear their fields with the slash-and-burn method – the main cause of fires in the Amazon, experts say.

And he’s deployed the military to the area ahead of this year’s fire season, which begins.

Mourao says the policies are working.

He was quick to play on the fact that deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon had decreased by 36% in July 2020 from the record level of July 2019.

However, the same data also shows that deforestation increased 34.5 percent year over year in the 12 months through July.

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