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Why the same actor plays Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson


Hamilton actor Daveed Diggs plays both the Marquis de Lafayette and founding father Thomas Jefferson on the series. Here’s why.

In thehit musical Hamilton, the roles of Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson are played by the same actor, and now a filmed version of the show is available on Disney +, Hamilton newcomers may be surprised to see actor Daveed Diggs return to act two with new jazzy clothes, a different hairstyle, and no sign of his old French accent.

Created by and with Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton tells the story of the birth of the United States of America – and the years that followed – from the perspective of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. The show begins with Hamilton leaving the Caribbean and arriving in New York City, and ends with his death in a duel with Aaron Burr. The Marquis de Lafayette was a French nobleman joining the troops of the American Revolutionary War, while Thomas Jefferson was another of America’s founding fathers and the third president of the United States.

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The reason Diggs and other actors play a dual role has to do with the structure of Hamilton. Act I is about the war and Act II is about Hamilton’s life in the decades that followed, leading to his death. The Marquis de Lafayette returned to France after the war, and HamiltonJefferson’s second act begins with Jefferson’s return to America after spending five years in Paris negotiating American foreign policy. AsMiranda explained on Twitter: “I realized very early on that the characters who were important early in his life were disappearing while others were appearing later. The double casting was for us to be invested INSTANTLY. “Jefferson? Hey it’s Daveed!

The other double roles in Hamilton follow a similar pattern. For example, John Laurens died near the end of the War of Independence, and Hamilton’s eldest son, Philip, was born eight months earlier. Anthony Ramos plays Laurens in Act I and Philip in Act II, and his proclamation in the opening song – “Me, I died for [Hamilton]“- is true for both roles. In Diggs’ case, the roles of Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson represent America’s relationship with France. In Act II, he even refers to his character as Act I, asking, “Have you forgotten Lafayette?“when Hamilton fights against America which offers its aid to the French Revolution.

As well as immediately investing audiences in Jefferson as a character, as they recognize Diggs, the dual roles also have the benefit of keeping Act I actors present in Act II, rather than just doing them. disappear and introduce a host of new actors just for the second half of the show. That way, all of the actors who feature Hamilton in the show’s opening number are there from start to finish, and the two acts feel a lot more intertwined than they would be if the roles were recast.

More: Hamilton: All 46 Songs From The Musical, Ranked Worst To Best

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