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‘Southern Charm’ episodes deleted due to racial sensitivities


A spokesperson for Bravo said that four episodes of “Southern Charm” were withdrawn from the channel’s video-on-demand services due to racist moments within them. Three of them have been released on and on the Bravo app, and will soon be back on VOD. (Reloading something onto on-demand cable and satellite takes longer.) Episode 4 will return as well, but with a scene set in a secluded plantation.

TikTok user @thetalkofshame first noticed the missing episodes of docusoap Bravo, which premiered in 2014, and follows the life of socialites in Charleston, South Carolina. On August 11, in a three-part TikTok series, she underlined that an episode of “Southern Charm” – Season 1, Episode 2 – was missing from Bravo’s on-demand services. She had wanted to watch the episode again and found out that he was not there. In it, former cast member Thomas Ravenel eats lunch with his father, former congressman Arthur Ravenel Jr. In the scene – who she plays in part 2 – Arthur tells Thomas that he likes to get rid of the $ 5 bills because Abraham Lincoln is pictured on them, smiling wryly at the camera.

“It was broadcast! Primetime! Well done! “, She says.

The next day, @thetalkofshame discovered that more “southern charm” episodes were missing from Bravo’s VOD services: episode 1 of season 3, episode 1 of season 4 and episode 8 of season 4.

The Bravo spokesperson confirmed the episodes were removed as part of a review the network is doing to report potentially offensive content. The Black Lives Matter protests that erupted earlier in June led to a cultural assessment that prompted media companies to examine practices that were once common. In the wake of this recontextualization in June, Bravo returned “Vanderpump Rules” original cast members Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute, along with two other cast members. Bravo also shot a Actor “Under the bridge: Mediterranean” for a racist and misogynistic Instagram post.

This isn’t the first time Bravo has landed an episode because it’s offensive. A transphobic episode from the first season of “Below Deck” was not only pulled from its VOD services, but also disappeared from Amazon and iTunes.

The Bravo spokesperson said that many shows have received a recent review, but these episodes of “Southern Charm” are the only ones so far that have been pulled for further consideration. While three of the episodes were deemed correct, Season 3, Episode 1 of the series will be edited accordingly, and a scene where “Southern Charm” star Kathryn Dennis gives the guest star a tour of her family’s plantation. occasional K. Cooper Ray will be circumcised.

It is this scene, in which the two casually discuss the slave cemetery on the property, that @thetalkofshame highlighted in here TikTok, asking, “Is this just referring to your life on a plantation atop a slave graveyard, before you sit down to drink mint juleps with your friend?” Is every plantation really just a giant slave cemetery?

When the episode returns to Bravo’s VOD channels, that scene will disappear.

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