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James Gunn’s layoffs from Marvels Guardians 3 have become a chance


If things had gone as planned, Disney would scramble not to postpone a stand-alone Black Widow prequel but time sensitive Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

There is no new official release date for Scarlett Johansson and Florence Pughs Black Widow, but it’s the kind of movie (like Wonder Woman 1984, A Quiet Place part II or Minions 2: the rise of Gru) that could probably open anywhere on the calendar and make it a mint. Since the film directed by Cate Shortland is a prequel, located between Captain America: civil war and Avengers: Infinity War, this is less to be seen in terms of broad MCU narration in the future. While I’m sure Disney would prefer to release the next Marvel movies in the expected order, release this year’s summer launch movie (intended to be) whenever it causes less trouble than it would have been in the past. departure. They would have been in a completely different scenario if this big MCU summer movie had been, as expected, James Gunns Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

If things had gone as planned, phase four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would start in May 2020 with Gunns third (and possibly final) Guardians of the Galaxy movie. It was going to be some sort of glorified premiere of the season for the next big MCU tale, while being (probably) as singular / self-contained as most of the other films in the Marvel franchise. These plans were wiped out in July 2018 when Disney fired Gunn fairly brutally after conservative critics unearthed and released multi-year-old tweets of a relatively inappropriate nature. Now, this action plan was probably a bit rushed, and Gunn was finally rehired on a theoretical third Guardians film, but at least some of the damage has been done. The notion of GotG3 serving as the season premiere for theEnd of Game MCU was not on the table.

Plan B was to offer a solution Black Widow prequel like the great launch film of summer 2020, with the fantastic (and the stars) Eternals in November. In terms of movies, the real start of the new MCU status quo is probably not Shang-Chi which was due to open in February 2021. Offhand, I expect Destin Daniel Cretton and David Callahams, actor of martial arts Deadly fight!) to be as autonomous as Black Panther or Captain marvel. At a glance, the premiere of the season could be Sam Raimis Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness next May. Even Disney + TV shows, which would be linked to movies, were not supposed to debut until (before production closed) in late 2020. As I suggested somewhat in late 2018, the MCU is a little / sorta taking off anyway from 2020.

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This shutdown, in terms of opening cinemas and delay in production, affects everything in the outlet pipeline. Since Disney + TV shows really connect to movies (although almost all MCU movies weren’t designed to force you to see other MCU movies), this is a slightly more complicated puzzle that the simple universal throw F9 in the slot of April 2, 2021 where Fast & Furious 10 used to open and give Justin Lin and his friends more time to build what was to be a series finale. If everything is pushed back, then everything is just pushed back. Marvel having postponed a relatively autonomous program Black Widow the film is easier than figuring out how to reschedule a third Guardians movie that was supposed to be the first big episode in mythology after Avengers: Endgame.

The inevitable consequence of Disney’s temporary dismissal of James Gunn Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the whole chronology of the MCU being shifted with Guardians 3 no longer acting as the kickoff of phase four, turned out to be a strangely lucky break. The Marvels 2020 cinematic slate is now relatively autonomous and (presumably) disconnected from the biggest story at least as much as Strange doctor or Black Panther. Instead of Guardians 3 kicking off in 2020, it will probably be Strange Doctor 2 in 2021, which makes delays and the uncertain theatrical scenario much less complicated for the MCU. Black Widow (the only MCU movie currently delayed) can, unlike the MCU launch film originally planned for summer 2020, be likely to be launched everywhere almost without spoiling the continuity. It’s still bad, but it’s less bad.

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