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# 21DaysLockdown To Fight Coronavirus: Bollywood Celebs Give A Thumbs Up to PM Modis Appeal of Staying Home


# 21DaysLockdown To Fight Coronavirus: Bollywood Celebs Give A Thumbs Up to PM Modis Appeal of Staying HomeBollywood celebrities urge people to live up to the 21-day lockdown government mandate and stay at home

New Delhi: To fight the coronavirus epidemic in India and break the chain of infection that infected 562 people in the country and left 9 dead (according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on March 25 at 9 a.m. 15), Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a complete foreclosure for 1.3 billion people in the country. In his second address to the nation on March 24, he said, “Starting at midnight, the whole country will be locked out, totally locked out. To save India, to save each of its citizens, you, your family … every street, every neighborhood is locked. Forget about leaving the house in the next 21 days… If you cross the Lakshman Rekha, you will invite the virus into the house.

Also read: Fear of Coronaviruses in India: Doctors Explain Dos and Don’ts for COVID-19

PM Modis ‘decision on foreclosure instantly took social media by storm, many Bollywood stars gave a big boost to PM Modis’ decision and urged fans to follow the warrant and help fight India’s war against the new virus.

Actor Amitabh Bachchan wrote:

I humbly join my hands and urge them, let all follow the orders of our Prime Minister. This lockdown or restriction of 21 days will prove vital for each of us.

Also read: Coronavirus in India: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli plead to follow 21 days of national lockdown, ask to stay at home

Reiterating the message of staying at home and following the necessary government mandates at this crucial time, veteran actor Rishi Kapoor added:

One for all! All for one. Let’s do what we have to do. We have no options. We will all be busy and entertained for the next time. No problem. Do not panic. PM ji don’t worry, we are with you! Jai Hind.

Also read: Coronavirus outbreak: actor Akshay Kumar calls on people to take locking seriously and stay home

Actor Shahid Kapoor, on the other hand, gave his fans ideas on how to pass the time during this lockout and have fun. He said,

To be at the house. Stay safe. Stay mentally emotionally and physically strong. Spread love. Have faith. Pray often. Talk to everyone who matters every day. Meditate. Lily. Cook. See the sky get more blue every day. 21 days. Will pass. Keep it real and make it count for all of you.

Actor Anil Kapoor added that this lockdown is for the good of all of us. He said,

Please stay at home, this is the only way. This lock is for all of us and for our safety. #IndiaFightsCorona #StayHomeStaySafe.

Also read: Coronavirus outbreak: here are the answers to all your frequently asked questions about COVID-19

Actor Huma S Qureshi urged people not to panic-buy, she added,

Guys !! 21 days – We can do it !!! Please don’t go crazy by storing things. Be safe everyone. Perhaps it is the reset that the Earth so desperately needs. Please stay at home and stay safe and sane !!

Director Mahesh Bhatt also asked everyone to listen and help the government fight the coronavirus epidemic. He said,

We are now at a collective turning point, where we must stop, listen and help the government implement the 21 day lockout for all of India. The time of great fear requires solidarity, humanity, sacrifice and hope. No hysteria and rumors. # 21daysLockdown

Also read: Shah Rukh Khan shares awareness video filmed on coronavirus, gives basic advice on health and hygiene

The coronavirus, which belongs to a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from colds to more serious illnesses such as liver failure, has so far killed more than 18,000 people worldwide. In addition, the deadly infection has infected more than 4 lakh people worldwide. In India, as of March 25 (9:15 a.m.), 562 cases and 9 deaths from COVID-19 had been reported, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

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