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Hollywood Post 43 American Legion will host Blood Drive


The Hollywood Post 43 American Legion, UCLA Health and the UCLA Blood & Platelet Center have teamed up to organize a blood drive to support the Los Angeles healthcare system and patients in need on Sunday, April 5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the legendary L.A. Theater. The Post 43 American Legion Veterans Organization Theater and Home will be transformed into a blood donation center as directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Hollywood Post 43 American Legion Blood Drive comes at a time when the national blood supply is shrinking due to increasing cases of coronavirus and lack of access to standard donation methods. The CDC encourages those who are well (especially young people) to donate blood urgently to save the lives of those most at risk. To ensure the safety of the Los Angeles community throughout the necessary blood donation process, Post 43 will encourage potential donors to schedule appointments in advance to monitor the number of people at the donation center at any moment.

Hollywood Campbell 43 is committed to providing local citizens with a safe and sterile option for critical blood donation and continued community support in these unprecedented times, said Hollywood Post 43 commander Jennifer Campbell in a statement.

As the coronavirus epidemic spreads to Los Angeles and California, the Hollywood Post 43 is taking additional steps to increase the safety of its veterans, with a focus on the elderly. All members of Post 43 were strongly urged to practice social distancing at this time and to urge older members and those in poor health or with compromised immune systems to stay at home.

A dozen Post 43 members also volunteered to contact the older members by phone to ensure they have access to groceries, meals, basic needs and are taken care of. The Post has made and will continue to safely deliver groceries and toiletries to members at risk.

Maintaining the health of members and participants during the next blood drive is a top priority for Post 43 organizers. To alleviate any concerns or answer remaining questions, potential donors can familiarize themselves with current CDC guidelines to which the Blood Collection will comply:

  • The beds will be spaced 6 feet apart.
  • The registration and canteen seats will also be 6 feet apart.
  • Donors will receive an unused pen to fill out all documents, and the donor history questionnaire will be on recycled paper to ensure that no one shares donor history books.
  • Donor temperatures will be taken immediately upon entry and again while staff take the donors’ medical history.
  • Staff temperatures will be taken throughout the day.
  • It will take additional time between donors to properly sanitize donor beds and equipment.
  • Donors will be asked to wash their hands.
  • UCLA Health has also updated its travel restrictions for countries that have a COVID-19 outbreak.

To schedule a blood donation appointment, go online to ucedonor.comand enter the codePOST43 in the postcode or account code box. Potential donors can also make an appointment by visiting call (310) 825-0888 x2.

Pre-Corona Days (courtesy Hollywood Post 43 American Legion)

All blood donors will need to bring photo identification and will receive an AMC movie ticket for their participation. Donors are encouraged to eat well and increase fluid intake a few days before and on the day of blood donation.

American Legion Hollywood Post 43 is located at 2035 N. Highland Avenue, Hollywood Hills. Free parking will be available at Post 43 (limited number of spaces). Free parking is also available across the street in the lot adjacent to the Hollywood Heritage Museum.

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